dates, I'm gonna try some of the pastas later which John (chef) promised to whip up ! On second thought, I should just take ala carte later whilst the others gorge themselves with buffet :P
Thursday, August 30, 2007
dates, I'm gonna try some of the pastas later which John (chef) promised to whip up ! On second thought, I should just take ala carte later whilst the others gorge themselves with buffet :P
Food Food GLORIOUS Food ! ... ... Been meeting up with all the last few groups/individuals which I have not seen in a LONG time... finally got to meet up with you guys/gals. Thankyou for the great time.. Unfortunately, my $'s have been dropping too as a result... I'm probably going to China a broke bloke .. danged... i hate this feeling ...
Anyway, I've been working at Caffe Cypress 101 whenever possible.
Family Feast !!! hahahas.. would you believe it that 2 guys (one of which was me) finfished all this hahahas !!!
Anyway, I've been working at Caffe Cypress 101 whenever possible.
Family Feast !!! hahahas.. would you believe it that 2 guys (one of which was me) finfished all this hahahas !!!
The great thing about working at mums cafe.... EAT WHATEVER I WANT !!!! In this case, toasted wholemeal with melted cheese and jam :P
Every week or after it is sold out, a bigass plate of lasagne is made :P It is then cut into many pieces for presentation and selling !
YUm !!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Its a new week again !!!!!
This week gonna be REAL busy, cause I am going to be squeezing in alot of meets with different groups of people! Want to meet all the friends for one last time before OIAP. Ontop of helping moms in the afternoons.
Which only means one thing. I have 6 more days before OIAP.... hiazzz.. a few months ago I was more than happy to go to China, but now, having seen the greener grass on the other side of the fence and perhaps having tasted it, I no longer wish to go OIAP... but well, I will go there with an open heart and an open mind.
I will go once again to the same company quaters, with which I was given an office cubicle which faces the toilet entrance as well as which there is a security camera overlooking me and where I constantly find USED sanitary napkins in the waste paper bins in the unisex office toilet.... The best thing I guess, are the trips to ShenZhen and the prospect of maybe meeting sexytoes who maybe visiting there.. best of all, I look forward to the 3rd of March Mafioso !!! Sad though, that my other friends from previous class not as enthu as current tb17 about this prom.
This week gonna be REAL busy, cause I am going to be squeezing in alot of meets with different groups of people! Want to meet all the friends for one last time before OIAP. Ontop of helping moms in the afternoons.
Which only means one thing. I have 6 more days before OIAP.... hiazzz.. a few months ago I was more than happy to go to China, but now, having seen the greener grass on the other side of the fence and perhaps having tasted it, I no longer wish to go OIAP... but well, I will go there with an open heart and an open mind.
I will go once again to the same company quaters, with which I was given an office cubicle which faces the toilet entrance as well as which there is a security camera overlooking me and where I constantly find USED sanitary napkins in the waste paper bins in the unisex office toilet.... The best thing I guess, are the trips to ShenZhen and the prospect of maybe meeting sexytoes who maybe visiting there.. best of all, I look forward to the 3rd of March Mafioso !!! Sad though, that my other friends from previous class not as enthu as current tb17 about this prom.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
WA ! We really ONE TIME celebrate until chor... hahas... Tuesday right after exams go chips for Part 1, yesterday Part 2 at Phuture and later Part 3 at Vivo for the OIAP (including myself :P) parting dinner etc etc.
Have not touched home since yesterday 5+pm ! Now at cypress 101 wasting time after helping out during the peak hour.
AHAHAH !!!!!! Must live life to the fullest before I go OIAP !
Have not touched home since yesterday 5+pm ! Now at cypress 101 wasting time after helping out during the peak hour.
AHAHAH !!!!!! Must live life to the fullest before I go OIAP !
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
V-DAy !!!! Victory Day !!!! So happy sia !! The past few weeks LITERALLY was busy like hell, then suddenly it all halts at 4pm this afternoon. Suddenly I got so much free time on my hands... BUt then again, I will b going China on 1st Sept, so Im gonna try to meet AS many people as possible for as many times as possible (some of you lar :P ) before I gum gum ho go PRC ....
Today first blood at Chips, play the 5 -10 game hahas. Never had so much fun in a long time. CEO go one killing streak sia, like around 5times in a row cause the whole table to drink, then when JYan arrived, they started playing seaweed !! hahas .. so crazy.. the "pillar of the class" was there too!! I think like the first time I did something this social with him.. hahas .. din think I would be doing this when i met him at S&W like 2 sems ago?
Things to do before departing
1. Book Ticket ! I have not booked the plane ticket yet sia... I think I better do it tomorrow or else... GG..
2. Apply for exit permit
3. Develop the roll of "evidences" which has been in my bag for the past 3 weeks..
4. Print a copy of a picture for jo
5. Watch and possibly RIP breakies at tiff's from the library :D
6. Get mamemo a mate :P He'd damn bored when im gone CONFIRM one.. so will get him a puss* to **** :P
7. Go shooting again !! Oh my tian.. its been some time sia.. the canon and nikon is like rotting away in the dry cupboard...
8. eat
9. eat
10. see Ryn eat Oh Jian :P
11. eat
12. eat
13. lose myself in heaven !
Today first blood at Chips, play the 5 -10 game hahas. Never had so much fun in a long time. CEO go one killing streak sia, like around 5times in a row cause the whole table to drink, then when JYan arrived, they started playing seaweed !! hahas .. so crazy.. the "pillar of the class" was there too!! I think like the first time I did something this social with him.. hahas .. din think I would be doing this when i met him at S&W like 2 sems ago?
Things to do before departing
1. Book Ticket ! I have not booked the plane ticket yet sia... I think I better do it tomorrow or else... GG..
2. Apply for exit permit
3. Develop the roll of "evidences" which has been in my bag for the past 3 weeks..
4. Print a copy of a picture for jo
5. Watch and possibly RIP breakies at tiff's from the library :D
6. Get mamemo a mate :P He'd damn bored when im gone CONFIRM one.. so will get him a puss* to **** :P
7. Go shooting again !! Oh my tian.. its been some time sia.. the canon and nikon is like rotting away in the dry cupboard...
8. eat
9. eat
10. see Ryn eat Oh Jian :P
11. eat
12. eat
13. lose myself in heaven !
Monday, August 20, 2007
how many Wooooots ! Tomorrows the LAST PAPER! And probably the last achedemic exam I will be taking too, for the next 3 years ! SONGBO! hahas...
Must go back to EM now...
Todays paper ar... haiz...
no time lar time... like a fellow exam taker said to me today.. this is the first time in three years that you do not think of wanting to go back home before the stipulated end of exam time.
Its somewhat meaningful to me, but not either lar, cause I seldom went home early, even if it meant having to recheck and recheck the paper over and over again ! But yea... these two papers.. time management was a big factor..jpg)
Must go back to EM now...
Todays paper ar... haiz...
no time lar time... like a fellow exam taker said to me today.. this is the first time in three years that you do not think of wanting to go back home before the stipulated end of exam time.
Its somewhat meaningful to me, but not either lar, cause I seldom went home early, even if it meant having to recheck and recheck the paper over and over again ! But yea... these two papers.. time management was a big factor.
Oh.. off the charts... my high protein diet... tofu, pork and pork....
Sunday, August 19, 2007
D-Day +1
TOday ar... TOTALLY productive for me ! Woke up at like 11am++, and finished off my SM. And did one chapter or EM, which is like the most retarded paper I've ever studied for... cause I do not really understand what to study i.e I can't identify the target....
Then like my maid put some drugs into my food or what, I more or less felt woosy and sleepy throughout the day, I actaully managed to fall asleep on my desk from 4+ or 5 all the way till say 6 like that? When I was awaken by a phone call regarding Sales Organisation... After that, I just headed down for dinner, only to realise that all the freaking good movies like King Kong, Corpse Bride was showing .... at lunch time they showed Godzilla btw... had I no better foresight, I would not have forced myself to off the television and head up to study.
SO... Luckily tomorrows paper is at 2pm, and I was not tempted to go out for another "constructive break" just now, although the temptation was FREAKING high... and I know the Holland V buckies have a talent for good coffee and good baristas :D hahas... AH ... ok so now freaking time to go back to work and goddamn the EM... its like at the back of my head lar... I don't know why people not too scared of it YET, I guess SM poses a bigger threat now, which is true ba. ..
Then like my maid put some drugs into my food or what, I more or less felt woosy and sleepy throughout the day, I actaully managed to fall asleep on my desk from 4+ or 5 all the way till say 6 like that? When I was awaken by a phone call regarding Sales Organisation... After that, I just headed down for dinner, only to realise that all the freaking good movies like King Kong, Corpse Bride was showing .... at lunch time they showed Godzilla btw... had I no better foresight, I would not have forced myself to off the television and head up to study.
SO... Luckily tomorrows paper is at 2pm, and I was not tempted to go out for another "constructive break" just now, although the temptation was FREAKING high... and I know the Holland V buckies have a talent for good coffee and good baristas :D hahas... AH ... ok so now freaking time to go back to work and goddamn the EM... its like at the back of my head lar... I don't know why people not too scared of it YET, I guess SM poses a bigger threat now, which is true ba. ..
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Paper 1 of 3 is over !!! I am so happy but yet dismayed... I practically lost 4 marks because of a dumb reason..... I read the question too fast and answered blindly .... misintepreted "Executive Frame Work" for "Print Ad Layouts" cause the stupid "Print Ad Layouts" got the "picture frame" format..... my brain, being what it is, looked for similarities and I just volmitted the entire slide out it was perfect if I may say so myself, but the perfect solution for the wrong question is still the wrong answer...
I'm so shagged, last night freakin' stayed awake through the night, I actually turned in at 10pm, but I only slept till like 3am before I woke up in a spasm of coughs... now my throats all sore ... Then at 6.30 am, the alarm rang .... for me to wake up. Anyways, the last two papers, SM and EM will be on monday and tuesday. I guess I could afford to R.O.C for today till tonight.
I just can't wait for tuesday to arrive !!!! Ratatouille, Zouk, Circle of Death at King's, getting Mamemo a new companion etc etc etc. So many things to do before I fly to China for half a year...
Sometimes, it makes me wonder, why we study... actaully, we work mainly because we wanna earn $, and why ? To feed ourselves.... Sometimes, I just think I should just quit school and work at mom's cafe, be my own boss, either that or marry some rich old and dying lady, after all, I'm quite good with older woman.... SO I've discovered ... I guess this will be a plus point for me next time after all, (the way to the father's approval is through the mother.... Though it seems my sister's ex's did not really have a chance to apply this rule :P I guess my dad is unique :P )
I'm so shagged, last night freakin' stayed awake through the night, I actually turned in at 10pm, but I only slept till like 3am before I woke up in a spasm of coughs... now my throats all sore ... Then at 6.30 am, the alarm rang .... for me to wake up. Anyways, the last two papers, SM and EM will be on monday and tuesday. I guess I could afford to R.O.C for today till tonight.
I just can't wait for tuesday to arrive !!!! Ratatouille, Zouk, Circle of Death at King's, getting Mamemo a new companion etc etc etc. So many things to do before I fly to China for half a year...
Sometimes, it makes me wonder, why we study... actaully, we work mainly because we wanna earn $, and why ? To feed ourselves.... Sometimes, I just think I should just quit school and work at mom's cafe, be my own boss, either that or marry some rich old and dying lady, after all, I'm quite good with older woman.... SO I've discovered ... I guess this will be a plus point for me next time after all, (the way to the father's approval is through the mother.... Though it seems my sister's ex's did not really have a chance to apply this rule :P I guess my dad is unique :P )
Friday, August 17, 2007
Brothers Sisters and fellow polymates.
You are about to embark upon a great undertaking, unto which we have striven towards these many months.
In company with many allies across the 7 classes, we shall rise up as one body and one spirit, and take on the exams head on in this place they call Block56!
Your task will not be an easy one, the enemy is well set, well thought through and has been well concealed in within the walls of staff room at Block72 level 7. We shall not meet him until the very hour and at the very place.
BUT! This is August 17th 2OO7! Many things have changed since we first enrolled into our new formations and met each other for the first time. We have attended a many lectures and tutorials. Our spies have leaked to us many hints and tips through the various revision lectures and tutorials !
We have inflicted numerous defeats upon this tyranny bestowed upon us ! How well we mugged and slogged over MRSH common test ! How many waking hours we haggled and wresttled over lecture notes and textbooks to overcome the gargantuous assignment which they dubbed "integrated project" up until now, we have took on everything they threw at us. So tomorrow, when we reach Block56 04-01, I - Ken Ken, with eraser, pencils, pens, liquified paper, stapler, calculator, ruler etc etc., will PERSONALLY spearhead the assault by seating on desk 1, which was so assigned to me !
Have a good rest, and good luck with the revisions.
I will NOT broadcast this speech in malay or indian nor in chinese, cause I can speak neither fluently.
You are about to embark upon a great undertaking, unto which we have striven towards these many months.
In company with many allies across the 7 classes, we shall rise up as one body and one spirit, and take on the exams head on in this place they call Block56!
Your task will not be an easy one, the enemy is well set, well thought through and has been well concealed in within the walls of staff room at Block72 level 7. We shall not meet him until the very hour and at the very place.
BUT! This is August 17th 2OO7! Many things have changed since we first enrolled into our new formations and met each other for the first time. We have attended a many lectures and tutorials. Our spies have leaked to us many hints and tips through the various revision lectures and tutorials !
We have inflicted numerous defeats upon this tyranny bestowed upon us ! How well we mugged and slogged over MRSH common test ! How many waking hours we haggled and wresttled over lecture notes and textbooks to overcome the gargantuous assignment which they dubbed "integrated project" up until now, we have took on everything they threw at us. So tomorrow, when we reach Block56 04-01, I - Ken Ken, with eraser, pencils, pens, liquified paper, stapler, calculator, ruler etc etc., will PERSONALLY spearhead the assault by seating on desk 1, which was so assigned to me !
Have a good rest, and good luck with the revisions.
I will NOT broadcast this speech in malay or indian nor in chinese, cause I can speak neither fluently.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
SHITTT!!! The time is drawing closer and closer now, tomorrow I will be revising MCOmm and on saturday, the battle awaits!
Ah so .... Apparently, I have not met my target of starting EM by today... Im still stuck at Sales dammit dammit dammit!!!! The beginning of the end(OF THE EXAMS) is so close, that thinking about it makes my laugh... [heres my secret, I actually laugh when I'm afraid.... I can't help it, not that I'm sadistic or what its just a natural reaction in me] (just like what the spartans did, they laughed and taunted the persians in even in the face of annialation "then we will fight in the shade")
SCREW YOU youtube.. I can never forgive myself for not subscribing to the History Channel on cable earlier, even after receiving express approval from paps .. Theres just SOOO much history in there, type "Lost Evidence" in the search and results like Monte Cassino, Anzio, Caen, Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor etc etc etc.. comes up. Now im paying the ultimate price, which is distraction from studies for that mistake !! Arghh ! Must not be distracted.. this semester, somehow I think I've lost that flare in me... I hope not.
AH... ok so its back to work... I will post my Final Exams Rally Speech in English on here tomorrow.... as I did once or twice in Year 1 and 2 :P
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Actually, honestly speaking, what's up with this phrase?? I mean, I know that "around the corner" makes sense in real life when in a 3-dimensional situation, whereby a monster or danger "lurking around the corner" is possible (like at the junction/ sorner of a wall), but in terms of "exams are just around the corner", I mean an examination is not a physical entity, but more of a period of time or actions if you will, so how can it be "AROUND THE CORNER".. (well that's why literature never really caught on with me :P)
LITERALLY speaking now, I tried for the second time to study outside of my home (or rather, my father's home, cause his name is in the title deeds, but he does'nt mind me calling it "my home" so.. ). And when I say away from home, (Mount Doom doesn't count as away from home, given that we went there SOOOO many times..., it was more of a 2nd home for me in secondary 4). So !
My first attempt at the library FAILED miserably... given that I fell asleep ! This round was much better, cause I managed to complete ONE misely chapter. But nonetheless, that is considered an ant mount on a mountain, given that I have a few more chapters to go AND that I have yet to start EMarketing... AND ontop of that, Sales Mgt is like only half way there. SO yea.. my head hurts like hell, I think due to lack of sleep and cause I slept with wet hair yesterday... I feel like R.O.Cing (relac one corner), but well, no P.R.I.D.E (people relax I do extra) no gain ! so..
Actually, honestly speaking, what's up with this phrase?? I mean, I know that "around the corner" makes sense in real life when in a 3-dimensional situation, whereby a monster or danger "lurking around the corner" is possible (like at the junction/ sorner of a wall), but in terms of "exams are just around the corner", I mean an examination is not a physical entity, but more of a period of time or actions if you will, so how can it be "AROUND THE CORNER".. (well that's why literature never really caught on with me :P)
LITERALLY speaking now, I tried for the second time to study outside of my home (or rather, my father's home, cause his name is in the title deeds, but he does'nt mind me calling it "my home" so.. ). And when I say away from home, (Mount Doom doesn't count as away from home, given that we went there SOOOO many times..., it was more of a 2nd home for me in secondary 4). So !
My first attempt at the library FAILED miserably... given that I fell asleep ! This round was much better, cause I managed to complete ONE misely chapter. But nonetheless, that is considered an ant mount on a mountain, given that I have a few more chapters to go AND that I have yet to start EMarketing... AND ontop of that, Sales Mgt is like only half way there. SO yea.. my head hurts like hell, I think due to lack of sleep and cause I slept with wet hair yesterday... I feel like R.O.Cing (relac one corner), but well, no P.R.I.D.E (people relax I do extra) no gain ! so..
Sunday, August 12, 2007
fun amidst stress
Hint : 10 is the number, be creative.
Guess what this means and win a nice cuppa buckies coffee or Kopitiam treat exclusively by Ken Ken :P hehehes.
Been thinking about the 6month china trip on and off... ... I used to think that I can contact frends through Skype (and if I do, PLEASEEEEEE pick up the phone :) after all its gonna cost you the same as a local call). But I have encountered a road block AGAIN... (sometimes the big guy up there just don't give you rest... trial by fire I guess... I have faith He will not let me burn).
I just remembered that the grutty lil' shack that I called home for 3 months 2 years ago was actually WITHOUT internet connection... SO.. I guess I goto think of other ideas of ENTERTAINING myself there.... I mean, after all, there are only so many other PEOPLE that I can invite over, before I either run out of cash OR run out of stamina :P .... Im guessing more movies or a book or PSP ... And now being the examination study period, I have resigned myself to staying at home and studying head over heels [I do play games and watch movies ofcourse "take CONSTRUCTIVE " breaks right - (peanut..this was meant for you)]. But I suddenly realise that being the EMOtional and SOcial creature that I am, I am beginning to feel lonely, beginning to miss the fun and company of my friends, and to think its only been like one week since I last saw them.. take that and extend it to 6months... IN CHINA WITH NO INTERNET... Bottomline - Im gonna die real bad OR me will love China long time :P
Studyings a bore ofcourse.. I goddamn afraid to touch the creative brief of MArcomm and the EMarketing notes have not even been printed yet... Will start on Monday, after I have more or less conquered Sales M over the weekends... but hey c'est la vie right ... So without further ado, thanks for taking your time to read the post and its conte partiro ;)
I just remembered that the grutty lil' shack that I called home for 3 months 2 years ago was actually WITHOUT internet connection... SO.. I guess I goto think of other ideas of ENTERTAINING myself there.... I mean, after all, there are only so many other PEOPLE that I can invite over, before I either run out of cash OR run out of stamina :P .... Im guessing more movies or a book or PSP ... And now being the examination study period, I have resigned myself to staying at home and studying head over heels [I do play games and watch movies ofcourse "take CONSTRUCTIVE " breaks right - (peanut..this was meant for you)]. But I suddenly realise that being the EMOtional and SOcial creature that I am, I am beginning to feel lonely, beginning to miss the fun and company of my friends, and to think its only been like one week since I last saw them.. take that and extend it to 6months... IN CHINA WITH NO INTERNET... Bottomline - Im gonna die real bad OR me will love China long time :P
Studyings a bore ofcourse.. I goddamn afraid to touch the creative brief of MArcomm and the EMarketing notes have not even been printed yet... Will start on Monday, after I have more or less conquered Sales M over the weekends... but hey c'est la vie right ... So without further ado, thanks for taking your time to read the post and its conte partiro ;)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
so I made myself free to fill in the forms at the Visa PRC embassy and after that to cypress 101 for food tasting :P the prawns were very nice, though I had expected more towards mediterranian/ cajun. It was actually just chinese prawns.
Anyways, I ended up serving plates and filling glasses for 2 hours over the peak period, whilst the xams constatntly knock away at one corner of my mind. The more time I have, the better, but than again, .... thats never the case. Just like Garfield says - So much time, So little to do.. If only I was that fat slob :P
So given that I have a tad over 30chapters to cover in the next 9 days... Its gonna be one helluva festive fockin' season for me here. Getting frosty by the bloody text book and notes... I have decided to retreat into oblivion like a damn hermit crab for the next 10 days, till Armagaeddon arrives, so till then, I wish yall a happy NDP and a great time studying ... :P Enjoy my new snow effect too ! I finally fixed the problem...
Anyways, I ended up serving plates and filling glasses for 2 hours over the peak period, whilst the xams constatntly knock away at one corner of my mind. The more time I have, the better, but than again, .... thats never the case. Just like Garfield says - So much time, So little to do.. If only I was that fat slob :P
So given that I have a tad over 30chapters to cover in the next 9 days... Its gonna be one helluva festive fockin' season for me here. Getting frosty by the bloody text book and notes... I have decided to retreat into oblivion like a damn hermit crab for the next 10 days, till Armagaeddon arrives, so till then, I wish yall a happy NDP and a great time studying ... :P Enjoy my new snow effect too ! I finally fixed the problem...
As usual, Buckie's is the choice of meeting place for me! Also tried out the marcoroni salad, not too bad but abit ex lar.. 4 bucks for tt. (ok maybe its reasonable, peanut said i looked gay eating a salad ... the last time i ate a salad willfully btw, was at Coffe Club garden salad -Bleh- i ended up drowning it in cranberry sauce before chocking down the whole lot of it into my esophagus with little work made in chewing. Water helped to lubricate my chanel/ tunnel IF YOU WILL :D
This post is gonna be another foodie post.
In the last 3 weeks, I've more or less eaten good and rich foods, thnx to M1, one life live it.
Pizzas, carousel buffet, prata, chocolate bars ( i think i ate like 4 choc bars in all by myself, and 1 shared with frends), char kway tiao, indian rojak, carrot cakes ! One bite of donut, and not forgetting Crystal Jade which I ate earlier last month.
Moms dream has come true, Cypress 101 is up and running, the left guy is our specially hired chef, and the lady is aunt BB. The food he makes seems spectacular btw... I havent tasted Cypress 101's produce yet though, but I saw yesterdays set meal - German bratwurst and mashed potato... make my mouth water sia.. then tomorow is stirfried prawns with rice and french onion soup!!!!! I gonna try IF i got time. .jpg)
I had the chance to visit Carousel, at Royal Plaza by Scotts ! all in the name of M1 (though shakeit did not calculate properly and we ended up needing to pay out $20 of the $50 pax bill :p) but it was damn nice nonetheless and come to think about it, 20bux for tt is MORE THEN worth it !!! Will go there again before my china trip ! Thats for damn sure! now I just feel like eating paella :P
Monday, August 6, 2007
Damn project really drained the life blood out of me for the past 3 months + .... The last 3 days was especially taxing, but then again, I do not know about ai syd and ser, but I had somewhat of an enjoyable time. Sure, we did have long spans of time doing our projects and then there was that crazy night... but then again, I did have a good time playing hokkien songs, listening to DJ Pablo and talking cock whilst doing the sales management, as syd puts it, "smiling in the face of adversity" ! Apparently, we smiled too much... got ourselves a B- to a C+ ...
Like so disappointed at what we got lar... considering the effort we put in.. but than again, objectively looking at it, its not that we put in so much effort, just that we committed a fatal error when we took up 4 of the 7 days to churn out the SPSS and TOPLINE reports, which was like the most basic of basic reports. Then there was 3 days left to do the entire SM and Marcom parts. So we rushed like hell to do it. I guess, its because we rushed like hell, so it seemed we put in alot of effort.. we just put in the same amount of effort as the others, but in a shorter time span. Anyway, gonna go watch Simpsons today with the "ring of death" gang... hahas.. the same ppl who stayed over at Kings, I just realised it now...
It seems like a long shot, but we came a long way since the first day and the first outing at essential brews till now, no doubt the IP and BBQ chipped in to help us get to know each other better, I just hope that we do not remain just as the "ring of death" gang, but rather, have as many people as possible in the class join in future outs.
Next stop is finals ... the last few achedemic examinations I will be taking for the next 2 + years... before I go for the dreaded OIAP.. I was actaully looking forward to the OIAP initially, but that was before I met TB17nians... now Im regretting so bloody much.. so many things I will be missing, and amongst that others..
IF only I had more time.. IF only I had more persistence.... IF only... IF only ...... but then again thats what life is, perhaps in another life things would have been different for us ...
Are things getting easier now? or am I just getting better from experience? What is this life that I am living now? I feel so different from just 3 semesters ago, I never thought anything like this was possible again till atleast after NP... this semseter almost seems surreal.
Life has sure thrown me lots of sudden bends in my 2 and half years in NPoly, but I guess I wouldn't have missed this experience for the world. Looking back, I have changed so much, since the geeky center/side parting KNN in sec school to the Ken Ken I am now.
Damn project really drained the life blood out of me for the past 3 months + .... The last 3 days was especially taxing, but then again, I do not know about ai syd and ser, but I had somewhat of an enjoyable time. Sure, we did have long spans of time doing our projects and then there was that crazy night... but then again, I did have a good time playing hokkien songs, listening to DJ Pablo and talking cock whilst doing the sales management, as syd puts it, "smiling in the face of adversity" ! Apparently, we smiled too much... got ourselves a B- to a C+ ...
Like so disappointed at what we got lar... considering the effort we put in.. but than again, objectively looking at it, its not that we put in so much effort, just that we committed a fatal error when we took up 4 of the 7 days to churn out the SPSS and TOPLINE reports, which was like the most basic of basic reports. Then there was 3 days left to do the entire SM and Marcom parts. So we rushed like hell to do it. I guess, its because we rushed like hell, so it seemed we put in alot of effort.. we just put in the same amount of effort as the others, but in a shorter time span. Anyway, gonna go watch Simpsons today with the "ring of death" gang... hahas.. the same ppl who stayed over at Kings, I just realised it now...
It seems like a long shot, but we came a long way since the first day and the first outing at essential brews till now, no doubt the IP and BBQ chipped in to help us get to know each other better, I just hope that we do not remain just as the "ring of death" gang, but rather, have as many people as possible in the class join in future outs.
Next stop is finals ... the last few achedemic examinations I will be taking for the next 2 + years... before I go for the dreaded OIAP.. I was actaully looking forward to the OIAP initially, but that was before I met TB17nians... now Im regretting so bloody much.. so many things I will be missing, and amongst that others..
IF only I had more time.. IF only I had more persistence.... IF only... IF only ...... but then again thats what life is, perhaps in another life things would have been different for us ...
Are things getting easier now? or am I just getting better from experience? What is this life that I am living now? I feel so different from just 3 semesters ago, I never thought anything like this was possible again till atleast after NP... this semseter almost seems surreal.
Life has sure thrown me lots of sudden bends in my 2 and half years in NPoly, but I guess I wouldn't have missed this experience for the world. Looking back, I have changed so much, since the geeky center/side parting KNN in sec school to the Ken Ken I am now.
Friday, August 3, 2007
prattles of a mind absconded
10 Reasons Why Ken Ken wants a girlfriend/wife/fu*k buddy////////// from ECH/Nursing !
1. Someone to care for me and HEAL me in times of pain AND pleasure (there is a very fine line between these 2 feelings, so Ive learnt)
2. Someone who knows how to look after babies.. YES, I want many babies and children in future, so my seeds can be spread far and wide, and my family tree has a higher chance of continuity. [besides, I DO NOT condone abortions, and unsafe sex is always INfinitely more pleasurable :D]
3. Someone who can talk at my level at times when I'm stressed (for example NOW .... till 21st August) my social intellect equates to taht of a child in times of stress.
4. She will be able to cuddle me and treat me like a baby when I most need it.
5. The knowledge of the human anatomy is always a + point, knowing what makes me tick and what ticks me off ;)
6. Will be able to look after me when I'm sick old and dying (can save on ICU bills)
7. If she is in ECH, then the face more or less woul not be chui, or not the small rascals would be afraid of her, and she would probably have been kicked out!
8. - plain and simple - There's just something about me and girls in uniform
9. Cause your birthday is arriving soon ! [I'm guessing only 2 of my closest buggers would know what this line means ;) if you don't, ignore it]
1. Someone to care for me and HEAL me in times of pain AND pleasure (there is a very fine line between these 2 feelings, so Ive learnt)
2. Someone who knows how to look after babies.. YES, I want many babies and children in future, so my seeds can be spread far and wide, and my family tree has a higher chance of continuity. [besides, I DO NOT condone abortions, and unsafe sex is always INfinitely more pleasurable :D]
3. Someone who can talk at my level at times when I'm stressed (for example NOW .... till 21st August) my social intellect equates to taht of a child in times of stress.
4. She will be able to cuddle me and treat me like a baby when I most need it.
5. The knowledge of the human anatomy is always a + point, knowing what makes me tick and what ticks me off ;)
6. Will be able to look after me when I'm sick old and dying (can save on ICU bills)
7. If she is in ECH, then the face more or less woul not be chui, or not the small rascals would be afraid of her, and she would probably have been kicked out!
8. - plain and simple - There's just something about me and girls in uniform
9. Cause your birthday is arriving soon ! [I'm guessing only 2 of my closest buggers would know what this line means ;) if you don't, ignore it]
AND last but not least !!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Words in my mind : Corny nutful choc chip pie - ESAD - Totally lor - I thought you were my friend - Seriously lor - Not funny lor - Now I know what position I hold in your heart - SHAKEIT !

The new SEX one in Eastman Kodak 400 B&W. I lack creativity in the selection of angle :P
These terms have become synonymous with the class and with the 4 buggers (meself and the 3 other "ones who shall not be named"). Projacks are really SADISTIC !!!! Like one problem crops after another, we took 2 days to do the Topline, only to realise that graphs were not required, thereby having us redo the thing! And its just TOPLINE only mind you, that is like the most basic of basics of the IProjack. Therefore, we took 3 days to do the TOPLINE. We finally finished it yesterday night, when syd and ai (oops I just name 2 of the 3 who shall not be named) came over to my crib. We ordered 2 pizzas, 10 winglets and the meatballs all at the expense of M1 :D Then today was another SEX day, spent in the library, but this time with 2 non groupies to add into the fun ! We were so busy again, and Im guessing tomorrow is the same case.... Rushed through WISP self reflection too, thinking of some creative SEX way to present it to the teacher (msg in a bottle? like wad sH suggests). Anyway, i had to pontang the session at Phuture... so pai seh... but i guess the time was just wrong, and i was just too tired to go on....
Anyway, the rest of the night was havoc liao, ai left at about 11 for home (hahas the taxi driver got turn his head 180degrees :D) And syd was left to party at my place.... and a great party we had, with spss as the booze... We completed it nonetheless, but were stumped at the chi-square analysis. (TOTALLY lor... i din think ide touch chi crap when I did BSTats in year 1... I mean, if they know we will be touching it in Yr3, must as well teach us then, rather than let us relac one corner and suffer in year3.. then theres ANOVA too, which i dunno WTF it is). Been eating too much rich and heaty foods lately.. weight weight weight.... and then theres this sore throat creeping up upon me.... like pizzas yesterday, then 2 chocolate bars today and chips and gummy pigs AND MAYIM!! for dinner, then tmr IbS cocktail party again eat more food.. hahas.
Today, LWan returned us our reports, glad to say we actually attained A for it, though an A+ would have been nice :P (she graded the groups Gezond poster A-..... im so pissed :P) but yar, I guess all the times we were "so happy together" was worth is ba ahas...
Im soooo happy that we gonna go the prom night together, and the simpsons movie lar ! I guess it be good to catch up with the class, after 6 months in suburbia.... PRC.... CHINA.... Im just gonna freaking die of boredom there, no internet at night .. shopping centres NOT within walking distance... but the good thing is things are DIRT cheap in HuiZhou as compared to BeiJing, I can just cab myself everywhere ! So yea, Ive got my reasons to go and not to go... Just cant wait for 21st August, when we gather at king king's place again for a great time and rounds of RING OF DEATH :P

Anyways, I got back and developed the roll of B&W from the rollei 35 field tests. I saw my work and I was welled pleased (actually i was not really, cause i keep forgetting to focus the lens.. too used to the AF function on my nikon) anyways, the main things I was teasting for, the lightmeter and shutter speeds all work like a gem! The above is a shot of the esplanade i made a few months back on colour. 

The new SEX one in Eastman Kodak 400 B&W. I lack creativity in the selection of angle :P