Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Actually, honestly speaking, what's up with this phrase?? I mean, I know that "around the corner" makes sense in real life when in a 3-dimensional situation, whereby a monster or danger "lurking around the corner" is possible (like at the junction/ sorner of a wall), but in terms of "exams are just around the corner", I mean an examination is not a physical entity, but more of a period of time or actions if you will, so how can it be "AROUND THE CORNER".. (well that's why literature never really caught on with me :P)

LITERALLY speaking now, I tried for the second time to study outside of my home (or rather, my father's home, cause his name is in the title deeds, but he does'nt mind me calling it "my home" so.. ). And when I say away from home, (Mount Doom doesn't count as away from home, given that we went there SOOOO many times..., it was more of a 2nd home for me in secondary 4). So !

My first attempt at the library FAILED miserably... given that I fell asleep ! This round was much better, cause I managed to complete ONE misely chapter. But nonetheless, that is considered an ant mount on a mountain, given that I have a few more chapters to go AND that I have yet to start EMarketing... AND ontop of that, Sales Mgt is like only half way there. SO yea.. my head hurts like hell, I think due to lack of sleep and cause I slept with wet hair yesterday... I feel like R.O.Cing (relac one corner), but well, no P.R.I.D.E (people relax I do extra) no gain ! so..


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