Saturday, June 30, 2007


I don't care what they say, but homemade "Ba Zhang's" are THE BEST ... bigger chunks of meat, extra century egg... you get the idea. Godma's handy works !

School more or less started today, given that we had our first proper tutorial - Interactive Biz Skills. WISP and IS which had tutorials yesterday I consider more or less as co-curicular classes cause lesson times are rather "sinang" and these modules are non core. They are still important nonetheless, but NOT that "important".

Finally got my 6 rolls of film developed !! Here are some of them.... apparently, there were also pictures taken during my stint in Beijing.... but well, until I get my DSLR, that's how things are gonna be :P
A picture from one of the resting houses at Great Wall. Notice the "了" word :P hahasTian An Men ...... was freaking windy that day. A small guy would have been easily blown away. I stand strong :D
The office apartments view from Jerry's place. He was kind enough to invite me in once, before I left for Singapore !

This was THE MOST delicious strawberry cheesecake ! And also, the only cake I ate for my 20th BDae, curtosy of beloved people from TB29 who attended the class gathering cum BDae celebrations. The "chui" state is because it had already been cut :PPaintball session at JB !! We stayed at Ben's place, together with his 2 cutest but unfortunately unfriendly dogs..... Some one got a 3rd nipple and another a headshot :D hehe ...

On the 25th of June ... Or this Monday, we had a night of FUN and many compromising pictures were taken :P of which I shalt not post hahas. King's place was a wreck after the BBQ dinner, his room was worst after a night spent by the 8 who stayed over ! ... with the help of 3 bottles of Absolut ..

ON a final note ---> KEEP WALKING !!!

Jo Jo's idea, or rather her dad's idea of preparing Johnnie Walker's was ---- SEX !

Monday, June 25, 2007

Ok, so after seeeing the DODSource movies on Kiwis com, I was inspired to post a personal drawing of the M1A1 Thompson, not doubt one of the best weapons Ive used in the cyber world ! The best still goes to the K98 !
My eyes caught sight of an ad on clubsnap, for an FM10 ! Nodoubt, the same camera which I was eyeing on like 2yrs ago? or maybe slight over 1.5 yrs ago. Back then it was at adelphi and selling for $289, now its selling at $250 ! AND at a better lens i think (50mm f1.8) Considers... perhaps lending all that $ to TB17 for the pizza lunch wasn't too bad an idea after all :P now theres allowance coming in at the beginnning of the month and then soon M1 will be reimbursing me the pizza money too hahahaha !!!! lets just hope I can squeeze tt "sucker" to maybe sell me at $210? or $220? hahas.

Its another week of holidays ! Thanks to Ngee Anns overseas exposure trip to Shanghai which im not apart of. Which just gives me more time to do the 27 surveys which I was assigned to, though there are rumors that people have done it for me whilst I was in dengue land. Now all I need are female respondents from the 15-16 yr old age group. Was thinking of like staking out one of the IJs or SMSS or FMSS something hahas.... anyone wanna join ? I need a wingman or wingwoman for that matter..... And as we have one week left, and my project group mates for WISP and EPM module all RELAC ONE CORNER.... Im beginnning to shit in my pants... I don't understand why those guys never initiate anything..... Maybe this time they will? hahas just waiting to push the boundary ? see who gets scared first and starts to panic over the project.... the 35% weightage project... THIRTY FIVE PERCENT .... no stress .... NO STRESS at all... its just 35%......

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Have not keyed in an entry for sometime now ... Guess Have been pretty busy/ lazy lately. MRSH test on monday, then project meets on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. The past week has been rather packed I think, come to think about it. I can't believe I could do so much in one week... not to say phuture on Wed night and Mahjong at mika's place on thurs as well....

Past 2 days was pretty farked up for me, starting from yesterday afternoon..... I still don't know how it hit me. Yesterday morning, I was all well and dandy, then at about 4+ I started feeling like crap..... I thought that it would eventually pass, but by 6pm I was more or less chui'ed... 38.8degrees the doctor told me this morning, and to top it up, he said I showed symptoms of dengue fever, so I was to take a blood test, which I will get the results tomorrow morning...

The whole night was rough though, constant headache and volmitting. And I just could not sleep/ find peace. I'de lay on the bed, but I would just move about, I just couldn't keep still. Then there was the headaches. I volmitted 3 times in all, and each time I did, the headaches would subside for a while. I was practically forcing myself to volmit, thinking that volmitting was the cure to the headaches... come to think about it, I had not been to the loo for a day now, which explains it when I volmitted the entire chunk of glutinous rice I had eaten the night before .... then there was the cabbage soup with one strand of unchewed cabbage, and the milo I had consumed earlier that night... I managed to survive through the night, and finally, mums came back from London and brought me to the doc's this morning. Now I'm taking 3 pills after meals to soothe the headaches and kill the pains, as well as lower the temperature. I even managed to sleep from 10 am to 4pm this morning, and i'm feeling much better now.

Hopefully by tomorrow I will be well enough to attend school again. Have been screwing my teammates over for too long now .... hahas... and Im beginning to feel guilty :P

Friday, June 1, 2007

"The aches you are feeling is caused by minor tares in your muscles,
these tares regenerate and inturn your muscles become bigger. "

This sounded like the craziest shit I'de heard in some time, but the aches were there, and there was no denying it. Yes, I've finally decided to do something about my life, and to start going to the gym to train up for NS .... apparently, my past beliefs of "let the government do it for me" (it being keeping me fit in NS) no longer flies for me. I feel great, I feel energetic, and I feel like a million bucks (that is what I felt when I was all decked out in office wear and a tie for IBS :P Thanks to the ever pushy and supportive peanut butter, I am motivated to gym! Lets just hope this keeps up till the day the government takes my life for 2 years.

Exams are round the corner, but we had a course bonding day on wednesday. Ofcourse, noone was enthusiastic to attend this event, but we went nonetheless. Ended up quite well, and we more or less had a CLASS bonding time rather than course bonding. TB17 by the way, turned up first in the event !!! Many people whom I thought would have been less participative in the games actually played their hearts out, and we made it to the finals and eventually to champions. I guess I really had no regrets being placed in this class, (I had initially opted for 16 due to good timetabling, so was not too keen on TB17). But if given the same opportunity again, I would take TB17 in a heart beat.

JLee, my tutor actually told us, "justify your existance" and "rock the boat" on one of his tutorials. This 2 terms had a "profound" effect on me, but given that we were year 3's now, and that I more or less had less than one more semester of school left ..... this no doubt, will stick with me in the near future, and who knows, perheps the entire term of my life ???

I guess what really makes this group of people a great bunch, is the willingness to participate, and the positivity that spreads throughout. Its only sad that we could spend no more then 1 semester together. Nonetheless, I'm hoping/ seeing that it will be one great semester with loads of laughter joy and - tears ?? I ernestly look forward to seeing these people on prome night, hopefully I'm still remembered after 6months in China ... TB29'06 will still be closest to me :)
