these tares regenerate and inturn your muscles become bigger. "
This sounded like the craziest shit I'de heard in some time, but the aches were there, and there was no denying it. Yes, I've finally decided to do something about my life, and to start going to the gym to train up for NS .... apparently, my past beliefs of "let the government do it for me" (it being keeping me fit in NS) no longer flies for me. I feel great, I feel energetic, and I feel like a million bucks (that is what I felt when I was all decked out in office wear and a tie for IBS :P Thanks to the ever pushy and supportive peanut butter, I am motivated to gym! Lets just hope this keeps up till the day the government takes my life for 2 years.
Exams are round the corner, but we had a course bonding day on wednesday. Ofcourse, noone was enthusiastic to attend this event, but we went nonetheless. Ended up quite well, and we more or less had a CLASS bonding time rather than course bonding. TB17 by the way, turned up first in the event !!! Many people whom I thought would have been less participative in the games actually played their hearts out, and we made it to the finals and eventually to champions. I guess I really had no regrets being placed in this class, (I had initially opted for 16 due to good timetabling, so was not too keen on TB17). But if given the same opportunity again, I would take TB17 in a heart beat.

JLee, my tutor actually told us, "justify your existance" and "rock the boat" on one of his tutorials. This 2 terms had a "profound" effect on me, but given that we were year 3's now, and that I more or less had less than one more semester of school left ..... this no doubt, will stick with me in the near future, and who knows, perheps the entire term of my life ???
I guess what really makes this group of people a great bunch, is the willingness to participate, and the positivity that spreads throughout. Its only sad that we could spend no more then 1 semester together. Nonetheless, I'm hoping/ seeing that it will be one great semester with loads of laughter joy and - tears ?? I ernestly look forward to seeing these people on prome night, hopefully I'm still remembered after 6months in China ... TB29'06 will still be closest to me :)
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