OK, so Ive been splitting my time amongst a few things lately. And it seems that every freaking weekend, something has to come up .... HP printer spoil, dry cupboard spoil ... and most recently my ACER laptop adaptor spoil..... hahas And then theres the constant nagging projects and deadlines to meet. WISP report and Powerpoint .... teacher like gave us one extra week, but she asked us to do an extra task, which is to produce a full fledged report... like wth sia... everyone else has to just do a simple powerpoint, but NOOOOOooooOO T72 has to go beyond the call of duty, do a 10+ page report .... Market research Questionnaire, EMarketing report ... haiz... so many reports to hand in, its almost routine liao.
Lucky for me, teammates are very committed, and I do not have to deal with very big problems like stubborn free loaders or slackers etc. Ive got peers who are going through worst shit. Anyways, this week was not too bad, thanks to the various Elearning modules, meaning that all I needa do is to just go school for projects...
School like started at 12pm today, so I had a hell lot of time to go to the Robinsons sale at centre point !! :D Got myself 2 business pants for the up coming IBS data gathering call and a nice cherry pie :P Spent some quality time with mom !
WISP project - Religious intolerence hahas ... the many symbols of our various religions. Some freaking look like it came out from star trek or something sia :P

Got my hands on F.E.A.R extraction point !!! Lucky I did not buy from china last time ... the chinese version hahas... Can imagine the soldiers speaking to me in chinese (eeeeek.. sends a very human chill down my spine! )
Lucky for me, teammates are very committed, and I do not have to deal with very big problems like stubborn free loaders or slackers etc. Ive got peers who are going through worst shit. Anyways, this week was not too bad, thanks to the various Elearning modules, meaning that all I needa do is to just go school for projects...
School like started at 12pm today, so I had a hell lot of time to go to the Robinsons sale at centre point !! :D Got myself 2 business pants for the up coming IBS data gathering call and a nice cherry pie :P Spent some quality time with mom !

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