a day like no other
The day started bright and early for me today, 730am I woke from bed and began my usual routine - Piss in the basin, brush teeth at the basin, wash face at the basin, put on T-shirt and Jeans, put on my 2nd pair of eyes, style my hair and then head down to the exit and to Kent Ridge bus terminus... ok, maybe not piss in the basin :P hahas gotcha ! (i do that sometimes tho >.<) First lesson was MarketResearch at 18 04 02, with JLee ! Really enjoyed his lesson, very funny guy, captivating tutorials, unlike the normal "answers exchange" tutorial, we actaully had a mini debate in class to exchange the answers ! Did a case study on sublimal (subconscious) messeges given to the public by organisations/ businesses inorder to evoke a subconscious response to something (in this case, to lessen shop lifting), and what do I know, JLee was one of the actaul researchers involved in the project !! hahas, cool har, having the actual guy with experience come teach and lecture us ! Also, my fears of being public/ class enemy no.1 for farking up a classmate yesterday seems somewhat allayed, today we worked perfectly fine in the group discussion debate. As for the other 2, hopefully, we will not receive the same treatment I gave the 1st classmate with respect to grouping... (what goes around comes around.. I am beginnning to fear this phrase), but I guess today seemed alright, and there were somewhat "tell tale signs" that what goes around will not be coming around to me anytime soon, I hope it never does.. [I console myself to the fact that I had to make a choice between the lesser of 2 bads (NOT Evils), sometimes a choice has to be made nonetheless] Then after JLees class was SM lecture FWAH !!! this one ar.... SI BEH BUAY TAHAN ar... SUPER Boring sia... and to top that up, its located in hall 68, WHICH just happens to have "cinema" seat and cushion layout ... really tempting to sleep la..... hahas... actaully filmed down some people sleeping in the hall, but the dang SD Card bailed out on me sia... dun noe why it suddenly say cannot read card... then I sian tiao liao, so I just continue with lecture lo. .jpg)
After school at 1pm, met with TB29 gang for lunch at C2, I ended up crashing the 3pm lecture conducted by my beloved ex OM teacher :P hahas. So I had to postpone my plans to collect my eos from canon today. Oh man... the laksa yong tau fu at C2 is just to die for !! My 2nd bowl of Laksa Yong Tau Fu in 2 years :P hahas. After the very interesting Customer Relationship Management lecture WHICH I swear was somewhat similar to Sales Management lecture (the boring one I had earlier in the cinema lecture hall), we hung around in school waiting for Ame. Then there was this 2 girls from Entrepreneur Club who came to talk to me and SJH ... atfirst when one of them took the chair, I was thinking "eh?! wth ar, canteen so empty... why wanna take our spare chair sia"... but anyway, I said go ahead lar. Then they identified themselves and began talking to us about EntreClub.
Then freaking funny, SJH was showing his dulan face and unresponsive attitude face haha. At one point, when asked something along the lines of what he may wanna know about the club activities, he answered "just tell me anything that will make your survey end faster" haha I tio stun sia hahas, but they look like yr 2s or 1s la, so we couldnt be bothered. In the end they just helped us pass time. I really "pity" those 2 though, having to face baskets like SJH and myself... kinda reminds me of cold canvassing, which we had learnt in the earlier lecture (essentially means door to door selling) :D
So I came home EVENTUALLY, and was freaking tired, for some wierdass reason la.. hahas, but I decided to play with my hamutaro, the above picture demos his amazing agility and abilities :P Grabbing on my clothes whilst Im standing up right. The white line is my ipod headphones, WHICH he was supporting as well whilst hanging on my clothes.
Dad was back today, so we decided to go get some Tauhui and breadsticks at Geylang! Actually was just there to drink cooling tea, but we headed down from geylang to somewhere near dads office at serangoon for the tauhui and breadsticks... the egg tart I decided was too sinful and left it for tomorrows breakfast ...
Behold ! - Singapores favourite method of consuming breadsticks ! Deeping it into soyamilk till soaking wet then eating.
After school at 1pm, met with TB29 gang for lunch at C2, I ended up crashing the 3pm lecture conducted by my beloved ex OM teacher :P hahas. So I had to postpone my plans to collect my eos from canon today. Oh man... the laksa yong tau fu at C2 is just to die for !! My 2nd bowl of Laksa Yong Tau Fu in 2 years :P hahas. After the very interesting Customer Relationship Management lecture WHICH I swear was somewhat similar to Sales Management lecture (the boring one I had earlier in the cinema lecture hall), we hung around in school waiting for Ame. Then there was this 2 girls from Entrepreneur Club who came to talk to me and SJH ... atfirst when one of them took the chair, I was thinking "eh?! wth ar, canteen so empty... why wanna take our spare chair sia"... but anyway, I said go ahead lar. Then they identified themselves and began talking to us about EntreClub.
Then freaking funny, SJH was showing his dulan face and unresponsive attitude face haha. At one point, when asked something along the lines of what he may wanna know about the club activities, he answered "just tell me anything that will make your survey end faster" haha I tio stun sia hahas, but they look like yr 2s or 1s la, so we couldnt be bothered. In the end they just helped us pass time. I really "pity" those 2 though, having to face baskets like SJH and myself... kinda reminds me of cold canvassing, which we had learnt in the earlier lecture (essentially means door to door selling) :D
So I came home EVENTUALLY, and was freaking tired, for some wierdass reason la.. hahas, but I decided to play with my hamutaro, the above picture demos his amazing agility and abilities :P Grabbing on my clothes whilst Im standing up right. The white line is my ipod headphones, WHICH he was supporting as well whilst hanging on my clothes.
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