And so my intern in Beijing finally ends ! And so will the name "The China Files" - as soon as I touch Singapore soil that is. Having finished the assignment given to me, which was a powerpoint introducing the company and its products (supposedly, boss will show it to new clients, customers, workers etc.) on Wednesday, I was left with pretty much nothing to do on Thursday and Friday, WHICH I was happy too, as it gave me time to relax, pack my gear and slow things down just before I reach home ! People at the company I must say, have been more then helpful and friendly in the past few weeks. Boss himself thought me loads in both lifeskills and photog :)
This is basically how I spent my free time in the office and away when Im on my laptop and going out isn't an option :P

Ravenshield - Ive more or less played the entire Rainbow Six series, INcluding the first rainbow six up to ravenshield ! I did not try out athena sword or vegas. Lockdown I thought was a disappointment... Still, nothing beats Ravenshield and kicking terrorist butt and rescuing hostages amidst the bustle of the office :P

And so my intern in Beijing finally ends ! And so will the name "The China Files" - as soon as I touch Singapore soil that is. Having finished the assignment given to me, which was a powerpoint introducing the company and its products (supposedly, boss will show it to new clients, customers, workers etc.) on Wednesday, I was left with pretty much nothing to do on Thursday and Friday, WHICH I was happy too, as it gave me time to relax, pack my gear and slow things down just before I reach home ! People at the company I must say, have been more then helpful and friendly in the past few weeks. Boss himself thought me loads in both lifeskills and photog :)

HL2 - Episode 1 ! Been wanting to try this out for a long time now, got myself a copy from Xi Dan and have since finished it ! Supposedly, it continues from where HL2 left off, alot of fighting in the citadel (the building you see in the screeny) but worst is ... its all in chinese !! Even Alex and Barney speaks in chinese.... nevertheless, it was a great installment, and I enjoyed every moment of it, ok maybe not the ones in the citadel, cause Im kinda sick of that kind of fighitng.... no skill one sia the zero point gravity munipulator... Can't wait for Ep2 to come out, and whats more, its gonna come out with TF2 !!! then theres They Hunger Lost Souls .... The halflife series basically comprised of quite a large portion of my gaming "career" ...... from sec 1 and all the way ....

Super funny movie lar, when I watched it I was like - xiang dang nian ....

hahas, young herc lifting up father Zues by the finger :P

Getting accustomed to Zues's lighting bolts :P
This scene I like the most - Its the meeting between Hades (god of the underworld and the fates) The fates according to Greek mythology controlled the past present and future and the fates of everyone, meaning how long you live, what you will do each hour and second and etc. Suppossedly, even gods had their fates controlled by these 3 witches ! From right to left - One of the sisters spins the thread which represents one life, the other cuts the thread (meaning determines your death (the one with the scissors) and yet another holds it ! :P
They know all about the future past and present, but they are mostly reluctant (or maybe its their job) to reveal the future. OR so they say :P As you can see in this scene, they eventually give some major hints to Hades. And more out of point hints (the screeny below) to Panic (the blue monster who is one of Hades aides)
"~ oh no, we're not supposed to reveal the future !" .... - "... Indoor plumbing - It's gonna be big " hahas I had to freaking replay this scene a few times, was so funny :P

A movie I remembered watching on LD like EONSSSSSSSSS ago! Now I rewatched it after managing to attain a softcopy ! Its basically about this Perseus who has to find a way to defeat this monster called the kraken in order to save his wife to be, Andromeda (Judi Bowker) from being sacrificed to the Kraken. She had to be sacrificed, as a wish of one of the gods whom her mother had angered.
Given that the Kraken is like freaking twa kee, he has to go about finding an ingenious way to kill it. Obviously, at that time, airstrikes or WMDs are not at his disposal :P He goes on to seek the 3 stigeon witched - 3 blind sisters who are old and very intellectually gifted... unfortunately, they have a craving for human flesh too .... ok la i guess... noone's perfect :P

The 3 blind Stigeon witches using their "eye".

"He's not really plumb, but well built nonetheless (giggles)..."

Anyway, he manages to get an answer from them without being eaten in the process. Their solution - seek out medusa and ask her kindly to lend him her head, either that or do it the hard way !

Medusa was supposedly a chio bu, but she kept bitching about it, it angered one of the gods (female god ... again..) and so that god buay song, than change Medusa into some wretched creature, so horrible that one look directly at her alive or DEAD, was enough to turn any living creature into stone ! I don't know about you, but I ain't never gonna lay a hand on a gal like that .... I mean look at that sia... and she was SUPPOSED to be damn chio lar.... sux to be her :P

The only solution - Look at her reflection and you'de be fine. And oh yea, did I forget to mention, shes quite the archer too, which pretty much makes it dang hard to kill her ...

Anyway, the day arrives for the sacrifice, and beautiful Andromeda is BONDed to the sacrificial rock wall !

The Kraken makes his appearance to CLAIM his prize.

And gets turned into stone instead, and chuied.

And so Perseus and his new wife lives happily ever after bla bla bla :P
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