The last episode shows Kimura's true inner beauty, in that he was really sad after his students graduate ! ......
Finished Azumange Daioh .... ..... NOoOOOoOOOOOO !!!! ... SO saddening... I have obviously failed my target of watching just 1 episode a day, so it can last me till the end of my attachment, or atleast a week before the end ...Anyways, for those who watch anime, I'de recommend this, along with Ichigo 100%, Suzumiya Haruhi, Jigoku Shoujo, Higurashi and Shimigami No Ballad !
Thoroughly enjoyed the intro part and the song as well, by Oranges and Lemone. Those who knows my style of watching anime (winks dkiwi :P) will know that I normally just skip the foreplay (intro) and go straight into the anime body itself. But Azumanga was different, I actually enjoyed it !
Anyway, if any episode of Azumanga's good, Ide have to say the last is DEFINITELY by my definitions, one of the best !!! I still don't think that Yomi deserved to fail so many times though, really thought she was second smartest to Chiyo .... or maybe its Sakaki ! Last episode basically shows the graduation of the students, haha, how their 3 years in high school has spanned over 25 episodes. The singing Aoge ba Toutoshi (Japanese traditional grad song) was also a pretty good portion of the movie, I particularly enjoyed this part of the movie, and having watch Letters from Iwo Jima just before, seems to have some strange effect on my senses as well :P
BANZAI !!! WELCOME Zhou Mou !!!! TGIF and finally its the weekend again !!!! Im beginning to miss home. .. my parents, my mouse ....... AND .... .... my EOS-1 ..... haiz.... 3 more weeks... and I'de be home free, starting a new term in a new class with a new batch of classmates. Somehow, at this point, I don't really want school to end that fast... If they say that school years are one of the best, then it must be true !

.....Maybe NOT h3h3h3 !
hahahaha you should wiki Azumanga Daioh for all the info on it. I have read finish the 3rd volume of the manga even tho I'm onli on the 6th episode of the animation. Oranges & Lemons rocks I need to get more of their songs. Their songs are like Osaka, full of non-sequitors.
And yea most Singaporeans juz skip the OP coz they wanna get into the anime proper. I realise if u finish reading the manga then u'll appreciate the anime better, as the OP and ED contains alot of references to the manga that WILL make you LOL out loud. If u have not read the manga skipping the OP is quite mandatory.
And u shud allow anonymous comments.
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