HONTONI bored for the past week... my liason officer or mame went out on some mission, so Im left in the office with a fellow colleague.... whom I was put under to assist, but after countless askings, he insists that he has nothing for me to do at the moment, so what to do, surf net lor, talk to him, waste time reading books etc. etc. Since wikipedia has been cencored in this country or town atleast, Howstuffworks has become my temporal shrine for now. It sounds fun to have nothing to do, but trust me, its hell boring, and whats worse, this time I goto draft reports for the school... haiz.... I guess Im gonna have to employ my "wu ling mi ji" again, that is - BULLSHIT - ! hahas as BS students, we are taught to bs very well, if the consumer thinks your product is not good , CONVINCE him otherwise !! (obviously, for ladies its much more easier.. :P hahahas ! just kidding )
This is my cubicle, as you can see, its not really private, so sleeping is out of the option, and neither would I stoop to the level of sleeping in the place they call the toilet. The cubicle just beside me belongs to the colleague whom I as supposed to assist. Well, atleast there isn't a pesky security cam right infront of my cubicle like last time...., and the toilet ain't right infront of it either.
Anyways, been watching animes and movies when Im at base camp, and I must say, Ghost Hunter is HONtoni nice !!! but can be abit scarey too ... its jap after all, it expected. School Rumble Season 2 !! That is one of the best !!!! Anime Ive watched to !! OMGosh ! I seriously love the plot and the characters ...... too bad its over for now .... haiz..
Hahas apparently, Tenma has been quite the i*iot from a tender age :P hahas had the bad habit of calling Yamuko Yamo, which really pissed her off. Also, Yamuko is previewed here as having a COMPLETELY different attitude as she normally has... Im guessing the incident which took place here really shaped her into the kind, forgiving and gentle high school Yamuko that she is in SR2 and SR1.

The Doll House, This episode really had some freaky and touching scenes lined up for its viewers ! Serious, DO NOT under any condition watch it alone in a dark room at night ..... trust me, I know from experience .......................................................... i know ...............

Went to Wang Fu Jin again, but this time I was smart enough, or more like my colleague brought me to the more AFFORDABLE street, away form the Oriental Plaza Mall...
Hey, Don't blame me for poor pictures, blame the Pentax point and shoot camera :P
Something I did try, deep fried scorpions ! Seriously, these guys actually taste nice, like the chicken skin of your original recipe KFC fried chicken HONTONI honest !
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