A fun Saturday !
Laundry Day !
Today was laundry day for my socks :P They were being worn for the last 3 weeks, all 6 pairs of them, WITHOUT washing, till today. Worse of the lot was the one I wore last last Saturday, thanks to the rain.... It was stinking to hell, and it was infecting the whole lot :D (imagine all the spit and mud and shit [literally AND metaphorically] which dissolved from the asphalt roads into the rain water, into my shoe AND SOAKED into my socks !!! This was then left to MaRiNate for 2 weks :D

The main problem was the cold water... ICE Cold I dare say .... the tap when switched to hot water, would not spill out any water at all..... One name kept popping up in my head - Miriam ! (my maid at home :P)
Spent the day with boss shooting photos at this place called Dong Shi Shi Tiao ( east four ten slip) 东四十tiao
As you can see, this place is what the people call "Lao BeiJing" (old Beijing), most of the buildings are left untouched, and in more or less their original ancient state
Erm.. some parts are being torn down and ARE going through renovations and modernisation.
Typical scene at "Lao BeiJing"
This is one of the rickshaws, which has been placed there (outside what I call a "guai lo/ gai jun" restaurant) in short it is a restaurant to attract foreigners and sight see'ers like myself.
Restaurant Entrance
Another old car WHICH from the number plate, and the 2 flags, I assume must have ferried some really big shots and fishes! Brand is "Hong Qi" or Red Flag
Doors which is seen on many of the house entrances, as you can see, for convenience reasons (I THINK) they have removed or sawed away the bottom part of the door leaving a gap below. (for bicycles ?)
Cheaper restaurants, Im guessing for budget gai juns/ the people living there :)
And on the menu...... notice "Chao Mao Er Dou" (stir fried cats ear....) eeks
There are some good and edible stuff though, like this mini meat bun (more like a mini BigMac if you ask me :P) Reminds me of WhiteCastle hahas. Sesame seed topped bun with cooked marinated lamb slices and onion + spring onion ! Yumy
Haha, "saddist" bird owner tied the bird's leg to a stick and placed a banana above (the sting can JUST allow the bird to reach just a cm or so beneath the banana :P I saw a few attempts by the poor fellow to jump up and reach the banana :D
Another street alley at Dong Shi Shi Tiao
This is not in the gai jun restaurant that I showed earlier, its another similar one :P but with more of a turkish touch. This particular dish was called Da Pan Ga Li Ji (Big plate curry chicken) Boss thought "Da Pan" :"Big Plate" was just a name, lets just say he thought wrong. We were given a serving equivalent to a medium 15+ inch plate of curry chicken !
Lamb kebabs !!!
Curry Beef ..... We (me and boss) expected more curry though....
HAHAHHA @@@ Down with Coke !!! Muahahahha !!! O.o
Today was laundry day for my socks :P They were being worn for the last 3 weeks, all 6 pairs of them, WITHOUT washing, till today. Worse of the lot was the one I wore last last Saturday, thanks to the rain.... It was stinking to hell, and it was infecting the whole lot :D (imagine all the spit and mud and shit [literally AND metaphorically] which dissolved from the asphalt roads into the rain water, into my shoe AND SOAKED into my socks !!! This was then left to MaRiNate for 2 weks :D
ALL water and hands, + some hotel bath soap and hand soap :P
My work after 45 minutes all hanging in the closet, ready to dry :)
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