5 things to thank the Lord for today :)
1.) Most obvious, TGIF, thank God its Friday !
2.) It was dumpling day !!!! I can't believe this, I think someone really cares for me, I was soooooo depressed this week, cause like the other weeks, I was just sitting on my ass wasting time ... the office decided not to give me anywork....
3.) They gave me proper work !!! hehehe !!! Though it seems like the laison officer'ess, just suddenly dumped the past 3 weeks worth of work onto my lap, Im more than happy to accept the "burden", as a result, time passed SUPER fast today !!!
4.) Its just seems that today's blessings KEPT on pouring in, I feel like singing the "Go kenneth its your bdae cheer !!" :P Anyway, the bathroom's internal door was locked hmmm... after work, I wanted to use the johnson, and realised the inner door was locked ... I at first thought that this was the turning point in my days luck, but I was wrong, in the end, I got the privilege to use Boss's toilet (moses) !! :P (refer to map DRAWN)

5.) I got to play DOD:S !!!!! After so freaking many days !!! I actually thought I was done for, cause I kept getting the "SendNetPacket Error" that day, but today it was all fine AND not just that, I got to play with dKiwi !! After so long, I got a chance to play aside/ against dKiwi again :)

:P Dumpling day !!!!! I love it man, and summore the best is, we can take AS MUCH AS we want, buffet style, only standing rule is - DON'T waste, but who would be stupid enough to do that anyways.
Yummmy yyyyy !!
Coated with mushroom and taukua sauce !! WHICH too is unlimited

The insides? Simple combination of marinated pork and brocolli !
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