when it rains, it pours ! True this for both ends
As suddenly as I thought it was great to be working and having work done, all these pleasures was instantly robbed from me !!!!
Yesterday was by far, the worst day of my life, it WAS also, the day for selection of self timetabling. Which was actually why it ruined half of my day.
From 1pm onwards, I was eagerly waiting at NPAL to do the time tabling.
Anyway, heres what happens -
1.) The server administrator decided to work on the servers
2.) The boss decided to have a meeting IN the conference room [WHICH made access to my laptop/ wireless internet connection impossible]
3.) The servers decided that 2 -3 minutes was a sufficient amount of time to load one page
4.) My calling card decided that today WAS infact the dayto inform me that it was low on value, making calling to the outside world (i.e my Singaporean allies not possible)
What happens when all these circumstances decide to hit you all at once? You get pretty fuc*ed up, especially since the self timetabling goes by a first come first serve basis. Basically, it feels like God himself has abandoned you (me) cause every SINGLE route seemed to have been blocked off... and whats better? There was absolutely nothing I could have done ..... Worse failures are not failures which a man has created for himslef, worse failures are one which he could not have prevented. So, basically, that incident pretty much screwed around with my whole day... OH, and I forgot to mention too, one of my friends had the best idea, to taunt me as well as, AT the same time, inform me that there would be a slacking faggot present in my class .... damn it, this saying always come right - when it rains, it pours ...
Yesterday was by far, the worst day of my life, it WAS also, the day for selection of self timetabling. Which was actually why it ruined half of my day.
From 1pm onwards, I was eagerly waiting at NPAL to do the time tabling.
Anyway, heres what happens -
1.) The server administrator decided to work on the servers
2.) The boss decided to have a meeting IN the conference room [WHICH made access to my laptop/ wireless internet connection impossible]
3.) The servers decided that 2 -3 minutes was a sufficient amount of time to load one page
4.) My calling card decided that today WAS infact the dayto inform me that it was low on value, making calling to the outside world (i.e my Singaporean allies not possible)
What happens when all these circumstances decide to hit you all at once? You get pretty fuc*ed up, especially since the self timetabling goes by a first come first serve basis. Basically, it feels like God himself has abandoned you (me) cause every SINGLE route seemed to have been blocked off... and whats better? There was absolutely nothing I could have done ..... Worse failures are not failures which a man has created for himslef, worse failures are one which he could not have prevented. So, basically, that incident pretty much screwed around with my whole day... OH, and I forgot to mention too, one of my friends had the best idea, to taunt me as well as, AT the same time, inform me that there would be a slacking faggot present in my class .... damn it, this saying always come right - when it rains, it pours ...
Fortunately, I had something else to cheer me up for the night. Watched 300 in the comforts of my own room, and a DAMNed good movie it was too ! The end theme was particularly interesting, in that the director decided to use the same song (Now We are Free) which you are hearing now, as previously used in Gladiators, WHICH was also another good movie. Anyway, it really reminded me why I actually like Enya's pieces in the first place. It all started with Anywhere is which was realeased IF I remember correctly, when I was like in primary 3 or 4 !! I remember DSee "chanting" that song to me hahas, and it has since then become of my favourite pieces. I actually never really had it with me, until I heard it again MUCH later, at that time, I was more or less still "sleeping", not knowing what was happening around me, literally living each day as it passed :P hahas.. even at PSLE, its a miracle I actually did not like go ITE or some shi*, pretty much played the Game Gear to bits, lucky for me, had an older sis there to help me out as much as she could :P Anyways, I played the track again in full. This is one of my fav and longest pieces that Ive liked since ages, the other being Twilight and Mist by James Horner !
My best friend when Im not with my laptop. This guy churns out channels like CCTV's, CNA (Channel News Asia!!) HBO ! and sorts. It also makes a great team with my laptop ! I knew I would regret not bringing my XBox :P hahas
Anyway, God seems to have heard my woes from yesterday !!! And this was for dinner today ! NOT only that, it so happened that my ulcer which has been bugging me for the past week or so is also gone ! WHICH makes me able to consume chili and oily foods again !! Hurray !! Thats why, when it rains, it pours, be it blessings or bad things :D
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