One of the better episodes of Azumanga :P After this episode, my love for Kaorin grows ever more stronger :D muahaha
Kagura Sensei, aka - MOSESSSSssssSSSS (hmm wonder if boss can do such stuff :P)
Very nice snapshot, would have been better if the anime artist added in a vertical grip/ battery pack :P
Another fine and common example of the typical chinese driver. Note : The driver was NOT in the vehicle during the taking of this picture AND The vehicle was parked like that on the third lane of a 3 lane road. Also, SHE eventually came back and drove off like nothing had happened.
LiuLi Chang Antique/ Cultural Street
Onto Liu Li Chang, BUT before I leave, a company provided lunch :P Free what, why not, and it doesn't taste half bad either !
This is how I spend a typical weekend, either walking through antique flea markets in search for a cheap camera [Im actually still looking for the Zorki... haiz... last ebay deal fell through :( ]
A nicely built and maintained place at Liu Li Chang ! This about 750m street (i estimate) was flanked with shops selling antiquties and nik nacks on both sides. Small stuff here and there.
Its not very hard to notice a pink tree in the middle of a road flanked with leafless branches ... behold, Wu Yue Hue (May Flower) !!! Or more nicely put - Sakura !!!
Beautiful ain't it
They were actually selling this stuff at the market !!! Wonder if those I saw hanging on the door at Lao BeiJing came from here :P As Osaka would put it - Hmmm if this looks like Lao Beijing door knobs, Means IT IS Lao Beijing door knobs... That means that this street must have been older then Lao Beijing, cause the knobs were made and sold to LBJ... But it means that LBJ knobs are not real ?!?! Huh ??? Utohh... It means .. LBJ is actually not that old, but then why is it called Old Beijing then ?? hahaha she'de be thinking like tt OR something along those lines :P
This shot, I call THE LIGHT- TO HELLLLL. I can imagine the passage to hell flanked with all kinds of things you hated, in my case (Chinese, garlic, heavy metal, cockroaches etc.) And the angel of death then disguises as the as God as an angel of light, and draws you/ me towards THE LIGHT !!! Only to be pulled back by some unknown force and then waking up to see 4 surgeons looking over me with their hands plugged into my arteries, conducting a heart bypass :P

Qian Men (Front Door)
Either that shopping, OR its photog !
As you can see, Singapore is not the only fine city :P
AND Cameras in, wallets out :P - More window shopping at Qian Men bu xin jie (walking street ?)

Hmm.. This was supposed to stop an invading army ... But its not just the physical strength of the door that was supposed to stop the invaders, the Chinese also played "mind games", the sheer size and granduer of the door and its surrounding structure was supposed to frighten them too.
Another side of the door.
Sian whilst waiting for the train, so I took this random shot :P
And its onto Silk Street - Again...
Hahs, they would have gotten a shock ! I was standing on the other side waiting for someone to pass, they were the lucky ones :P
3 of the 5 mascots for the up coming Beijing Olympics 2008 !! Too bad Ill be P.R.I.D.E. by then.... SIAN AR !!!

Kagura Sensei, aka - MOSESSSSssssSSSS (hmm wonder if boss can do such stuff :P)
A wonderful parady of Nikon !!!! WAS Burger was good, but this really takes the cake :) !!

P.s the model flaw was deliberate :D Com'on, can'ts we just live in peace :P Make photos not war !!
This episode introduces a new character into the annual summer camp - Kaorin @.@ She was smart this time to skip or evade astronomy camp, either that or she quit, frankly, I dun care either :P
And so the weekend came and went !
Qian Men (Front Door)
The entrance to Xiu Shui Jie, otherwise known to whitemen as Silk Market
The trip back home
The bus ? Don't complain in Singapore ... The Beijing buses are a huge cluster f*ck in peak hours. If you noticed, the roof of the bus is in the frame ! Was standing on one of the platforms on the bus to avoid clutter down below :P Kind old man was willing to take a shot for me :P

This scene reminds me of a certain time we had lunch at the NYCafe at Citylink.... THIS btw is Carbonara... RG had the bright idea of "dressing" it up with ketchup... How is tasted, only she can tell ....
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