What do we see here ?! Hahas decided to borrow the big boss's son's D70, which also previously belonged to boss (the sporean one) ! Im like a baby with a new toy now :) Got a DSLR and a week of fun around with it. Maybe 2 ? hehe

Taken by the D70 using HOYA R72 infrared filter. Supposedly, the filter is deep red in colour, though it look black and opaque to the naked eye. As a result, pictures turn out red. Nevermind that, Photoshop can fix it !

After tweaking with photoshop ! Note - The first red pictured was photoed at about 3 secs or so, without a tripod, which explains the fuzzy feel to it. For this photo, I leaned the D70 on a railing at the overhead bridge. This btw is the shot of the place I work/ sleep and ate in for the last month. The extreme white patch infront is that of grass. Chlorophyll has something to do with the effect of infrared light, so Ive heard. (like in the previous shot, the trees turned white too) I can't wait to take this b*tch out this weekend :P

The street view from my colleagues flat across the office (the on glowing green) The big Yellowish building on the left corner is a library which I have yet to visit, and below it (in reddish tint/light) is a steamboat place which I intend to patronise this friday :D

Xiao Long Baos ! 10 for 7RMB, BUT is it really worth is ?! Seeing the "longs", it kinda freaks me out. Still ate it though, and what do ya know, Im still alive !

This is how they cook the baos. They just stack em up like this, over steam and leave it outside to cook in the cold. Different shops got different definitions of Xiao Long Bao though, some is the Fei Chui (Crystal Jade) version, and some is just mini bread buns with pork/ chicken in em. Wrapping different, but filling is the same nonetheless. (the bread one, im not really fond of ... ) Though I looked like an idiot when I told the waitress I had ordered Xiao Long Bao and not this mini bread bao.... till my china fren clarified fo me :P

Went to Xi Dan this weekend ! Its China's version of lets say Bugis Junction, only like many times bigger (So it feels). JL did much of the purchasing though, I only got 4 DVDs, 2 of which were for a friend... Was blaimed for all the purchases, and I quote "the more you walk, the more you make me buy !" (tt was in chinese ofcourse :P)

Nearly wanted to buy this though :P Mini jeans and denim sweater set. Hahas. the kind old lady at the store was actually willing to sell it to me :P
I see that they have already hit China ! Bless Bee Cheng Hiang !! Bless Bahkwa :D
Still held as a hero. Let me give you a hint, this bronze bust costs slightly over a D200.. I have yet to see his grave/ mossoleum at Tian An Men.. No thanks to time constraints and heavy winds (if someone like me can actually feel swayed by the wind ... what more a light guy/ girl)

Pet store INSIDE the shopping mall !! Selling EXOTIC creatures like this (and lots of roberovsky hamsters too at 35RMB .... like wtf man .... If only I can "smuggle" the hamsters back to singapore.. I wonder how ! I mean getting through the metal detector and shit is the easy part, seriously, but keeping it alive though the 6 hour flight without attracting attention is ....

And the star of the day was this !

And so I come to the end of this post with a picture. the one of the fish is just weird hahas, considering its in the showroom of our office. Ah yee must have brought it in :P
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