Saturday in pictures
Enemy UPFRONT ! The moment I drinkth from this can, I knew I was fratonizing with the enemy, but who cares, its free and plentiful in the office's pantry !!! hahas
Today was photog again, this time at Confucius Temple and Lama Temple, however, due to ongoing constructions, we never really got the chance to take many good shots... well, I guess its not just about the photography, its about the company Im with too ba, so its not all wasted :)
When you see a fellow human being living in such conditions, you (or atleast I), at that very moment said a thankyou sincerely and from the bottom of my heart to the Lord. [this one really no joke, we're hell lucky to have Spore, even if we live in the lowest conditions in Spore, I dun think it comes near to this..., I for one, am very grateful to be born in a family in which I do not needa worry about my 3 meals a day or paying for college tution fees.. I only wish that I can grant my future family the same luxury my parents have granted me, should I have a future family tt is :)]
More houses. These are the back alleys behind the nicer or modest shop houses, where the inhabitants eagerly welcome foreigners and perhaps struggle to pay rent ? Some dude tell me its 40RMB a month, but to those guys, 40 could be alot.
Imperial Lane, this is the road which is flanked by buildings in which the emperor himself used to lecture, as such , the buildings are very old. Looking at the state of the buildings which the people are living in now, its hard to believe that the most powerful man in China once teached in one of these structures. (notice the arch entrance at the far end with the 2 red pillars, it stands as proof of the importance/ splendor this place once held) [So I was told, only such places would have such a arches overhead]
Lama temple, from the outside. Confucius Temple could not be entered, as it was mostly under construction, and the bi*ch at the entrance was trying to charge us 10RMB (full price) to enter.... now, tts theres a task for my
AF 70-300mm :D
Another shot of the Lama Temples
Their primary form of fuel, I think, are these charcoal blocks (the round tubes with holes in them) these brownish ones are spent.
These are unused, and ready to use. The picture supposed to be black though, like what I saw... figures..
Junk/ Antiques on the street site.
Brothers In Arms !!! Behold, the Nikon D200 and F65 respectively !
Random entrance shot, similar to last weeks Dong Shi Shi Tiao, anyway, both are part of old beijing and the Hutong area, so its the same lar :P Just different settings. This one I can say i more modernised though, than last weeks one.
My spoils for the day :D ..................
I prayed and I looked hard .....
God answered -
I actually found an Anime specialty shop in the middle of this old Beijing street !!! SOOO strange that they would open a shop here :P hahas
[to whom it may concern : the surprise is spoilt ;)]

.. YEah you'de better smile when I take your picture, I just spent deposited a sh*t load of RMB's in your shop :P
And for dinner !! Egg fried rice and river shrimps !
(Though the egg fried rice still cannot beat FeiChui's one back home, I mean Im not looking for FC's standards, even the xiao long baos arn't FC's standards, but atleastthey still taste real good for the price. the egg rice on the other hand, though good for the price 4RMB, is constantly bland.. that I needa mix in chilli's which is also my favourite :P)
The portion was ..... demoralising... I must have eaten 50 or more of these pinky finger sized shrimps... I expected a much smaller plate, but got one fit for 3 people... (like last weeks curry chicken :P) ~ ITATEKIMASU !
Sayonara !
(Though the egg fried rice still cannot beat FeiChui's one back home, I mean Im not looking for FC's standards, even the xiao long baos arn't FC's standards, but atleastthey still taste real good for the price. the egg rice on the other hand, though good for the price 4RMB, is constantly bland.. that I needa mix in chilli's which is also my favourite :P)
Sayonara !
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