周末又来了 !
The weekends are finally here again !!! Can't forget when I awoke last Monday, thinking "oh God, its the beginning of another long week..." "Then on Tuesday it was oh man, ok nvm, atleast tomorrow its mid week" Wednesday - YEs mid week, tomorrows Thursday, which means 2 more days ! And now its already another friday of the week ! My first night at Jin Rui Da Sha still clear in my mind, TZ fetched me from the airport, with a nice sign with my name on it, which was not required in the end, cause I arrived early :P And then there was the "ah crap, 2 months of work ahead of me, but yet another side was - Wonder what new people I'de meet "
Before I know it, my time left in Beijing is 2 weeks.
This weekend, TOMORROW, will be "the big one", in that we are going to the great wall, one of my objectives for coming to Beijing. With extra canisters of film loaded, my bag packed, I await the 2 hour+ ride to the long wall with its long history.

Some dude was selling these 3 buggers at 50RMB each... outside the overhead bridge just at the door step of the office building. KAWAIiiiiii !!! JL went nuts lar when presented with this photo hahas. . as expected of a dog lover.
Nothing much of interest happened this week, first 3 days were more or less spent on photography in the studio (I do love photoraphy, but studio photography .... its just mentally draining, trying to position your products in the nicest way possible to present in the catalog, and at the same time making sure that all features and all the patterns on the products are clearly shown... then theres the light issue and shot angle) And the worst is, its all done in ONE ROOM one room no bigger then a normal bedroom, of which like 70% of the space is taken up by the studio lights and the big display table. So we basically shot hundreds of photos in this one room with the company's 400D.
Today was TGIF, JL and me essentially planned an outs for dinner at some steamboat place. Then just 30mins before fang gong, boss came in asking us what we had in mind for the night, and so our plan was out in the open :P So it was me, JL, Boss, and Rob at this place!
This is some good sh*t la.. hahas One MaLa (spicey) and the other was TCM or something lar (traditional chinese medcine :P) Both were real good ! And with 4 plates of beef slices .... we had no doubt a REAL good "feast" !
This is a library near the office, but this was not the place I went to today ofcourse.. I was heading down to collect photos shot in at Dong Shi Shi Tiao earlier. For 5RMB per roll of film washing, and 28RMB for 36 prints (or 8Jiao's per 4R print) Its freaking dirt ! Ofcourse, needless to say, Im going to develop all my rolls before heading home :P
Before I know it, my time left in Beijing is 2 weeks.
This weekend, TOMORROW, will be "the big one", in that we are going to the great wall, one of my objectives for coming to Beijing. With extra canisters of film loaded, my bag packed, I await the 2 hour+ ride to the long wall with its long history.
Some dude was selling these 3 buggers at 50RMB each... outside the overhead bridge just at the door step of the office building. KAWAIiiiiii !!! JL went nuts lar when presented with this photo hahas. . as expected of a dog lover.
Nothing much of interest happened this week, first 3 days were more or less spent on photography in the studio (I do love photoraphy, but studio photography .... its just mentally draining, trying to position your products in the nicest way possible to present in the catalog, and at the same time making sure that all features and all the patterns on the products are clearly shown... then theres the light issue and shot angle) And the worst is, its all done in ONE ROOM one room no bigger then a normal bedroom, of which like 70% of the space is taken up by the studio lights and the big display table. So we basically shot hundreds of photos in this one room with the company's 400D.
On Wednesday however, I got a "get out f work free" pass :P Boss brought me to WuKeSong camera mart again. This I tell you, IS camera haven. You've got the old, you've got the new. I got glimpses of the Argus C3 (brick camera), the TLR Rolleiflex, 35S/T Rollei, Zorki, Zenit, Leica, Hassebald .. You name it, they got it. Then theres also the BIG 2, Nikon and Canon, and the many other new model of cameras (D40, D80, D200, MK2n etc. etc.) The main objective was ofcourse, to get me a new bag which could serve both photography and school purpose. (currently by babe is just wrapped up in bubble wrap and cramped into the front pocket of my North Face with the 70-300mm).
Tada ! My new pack ! Kodak medium formats' for scale.
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