Went "galavanting" after school today at Novena! When JQ told me to meet there, my first thoughts was what is at Novena sia ..., but soon after, I have seen that Novena actaully has more to offer then I thought !.jpg)
LATE ...... or rather, I was early, so was like some chao delinquent, sitting at the top of the Novena square MRT exit :P Was lazy to move down, so I just used the Handphone zoom function. The picture has served its dues.
Velocity @ Novena, saw the adverts on buses and what nots, and today I finally got the chance to go.
First things first :P We grabbed at bite at some chicken rice stall opposite Novena Square, tasted heavenly i must say hahas ... my first plate of chicken rice in a LONGGGGG time too.
Bai Zhan Ji, Hor Fun, Soup, Sambal KangKong, and the rice with the black sauce ... which is not mine (tho I eat it like that too :P)
Yummmy ~!!
Today ar... EPM was cancelled.... making me pissed off, as I had to wait 2 hours before the next class WISP ... sat at a corner at the underpass doing my own stuff, then after what seemed like forever, I decided to take a walk, only realising that 1 hours had passed..... Managed to spend the remainder of my time at canteen 2 sitting around watching people and fiddling with my camera, time did pass fast for that one :P
Azuki Freeze at TCC, basically, its soya milk blended with red beans. I have crabs to thank for this.
LATE ...... or rather, I was early, so was like some chao delinquent, sitting at the top of the Novena square MRT exit :P Was lazy to move down, so I just used the Handphone zoom function. The picture has served its dues.
Basically, my first week of school was more or less "si nang", first 3 days was CCA Fiesta, so I spent most of my time at Nav on day 1 and Airrifle subsequently the next 2 days, was like bloody expecting to end early la, but unexpected that I would actaully have enjoyed the CCA Fiesta. Then Thursday was IS day, which again is not really heavy, IS days are always light days lar, best was year one when IS day was on Friday ... haizz... haven't had a friday IS since then, nor a morning one at that... all my IS seems to be stuck on afternoon slots.... And ofcourse, Friday is JB with the gang, so more or less damn lax lar first week.... even got oversea trip summore :P
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