Went to the cemetaries to "Shao Mu" with my dad and mom yesterday morning. In accordance to chinese tradition, we were supposed to do so on Qin Ming, which I think began like quite sometime, even before I returned from Beijing, but in the recent weekends, we were either not in the country or busy, so this year we were late. But we went nonetheless. This is the buddhist section of the graves (IF i am not mistaken) the mass graves at Thomson has been divided into several sections, according to religion. This is a shot from the back. These was ALOT of mosquitoes at the time... more then I recall from last year..apparently, our fees to the grave keeper don't include fumigation :P so as mum went about preparing the stuffs, me and dad was like figiting non stop, trying to keep those mozzies away from the exposed parts of our bodies. Lucky i wore jeans, my dad on the other hand wore shorts .. so he had it worse.After shaoing mu at the open grave sites, we headed down to the monastry where their ashes were kept, to burn offerings and to visit their urns. Rows and rows of urns were stacked onto rows and rows of shelves. It was like a library of urns. As always, we had some problems finding the right urns, but we eventually found them. Out of respect for the dead, I have blanked out the names and pictures of the other urns except for that of my paternal grand dad. (the one right at the back) apparently, they had moved his urn from another shelf. My wish when I die ? To have a place in the christian seciton of the graves, with a simple white cross made of marble (hopefully) or stone (much like the ones in Saving Private Ryan), either that OR in some secluded and unmarked spot. Also, I would very much like my ashes (if i am to be cremated) to be scattered into the seas, preferably not the ones around asia, somewhere nicer like the carribean or the pacific ocean :P
Caught a midnight movie yesterday, the Hills Have Eyes 2, somewhat similar story plot to the first hills eyes movie, but this time round it was a group of National Guards service men AND women who entered the nuclear test zone. On the whole, the movie was pretty good in terms of gore factor, but in terms of story plot, wasn't that amazing what so ever. Much like the movie Hostel. And it was more or less ruined no thanks to a group of about 10 or so mutt schmucks who were making a god awful lot of noise, and in malay summore.... but i try to forgive them, knowing that animals will be animals, though I was really tempted to call the management up to have them shut the fuck up. Some minah fag even brought her doll along ... (freaking 20-30+ lady clinging onto a freaking doll... can you belief this shit... and in public summore) I just kept the lesson in mind, which was thought by the techer in WISP, that malays are a very communal group of people, and together with the fact that when one is in a large group, one has no fear, AND in this case, no dignity. So is WISP actually working ??? I say yes. But this event has nonetheless again given me a bad impression of such people, the ones who ride motorcycles (cause they had their faggy looking helmets) in groups... If this was Khandahar or something, I might have just as well as killed them all... these guys are Stinking filthy no good pieces of crap who feed on society's life blood and give back nothing but their vile shits in return....
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