MCom lecture, where some dude presented his advertisement to the hall. Apparently, this did not go too well, because the video kept going back to buffering mode... I wanted to take picture of the XXX adverts flashing on the top and the side bars, but was too slow :P
Once again its a wednesday....I actaully like wednesdays for 2 reason, IBS lecture, and the fact that I am finally halfway through the week ! MCOM Tutorial was cancelled, which made this particular Wednesday even more enjoyable :) So it was just lectures the entire day. Had lunch at C3 after the MCom lecture, in which I had a freaking long 2hour break.... Seriously, this is probably one of the reasons why I would HATE wednesdays... all the long breaks ...its just a waste of the entire cohort's and what is infinately worse - my time. ..
Anyways, tami requested for "blood" (or more commonly known as Bundung), but we (mika, SJH and myself) decided to add a, or rather A FEW secret ingredients :D - mocha, lime juice, lemon barley and lemon tea. The result of which was this ghastly cocktail ! hahas, the pictures show precipitation of the solution about 10 or so minutes between each picture.
Apparently, the heavier bundung molecules began to separate and sink down, leaving the lighter water and lime or whatnots floating to the top :P Me and SJH actually took a sip each, tasted quite all right, but would make you barf if being ingested continuously ....
2pm pratas ! So named, because we bought them at 2pm... for the sake of passing time, mika came up with the idea of waiting till 2pm before buying food.... was like freaking hungry sia, but I held on, and finally the time arrived :P Honestly speaking, I think this is like my 3rd time only eating banana prata in my whole life... ( Unless ofcourse if my parents fed me that stuff when I was a baby or what lar..) Though I live like super close to a famoous prata place, Im not really into the habit of dining there, only occasionally when friends come over. Infact, I never had the liking for bananas, cause it makes my mouth all sticky and gooey, and eventually makes me thirsty, but cooked ones I don't mind. So on mika's recommendation, I tried one and a half at C3, I actually bought 2, but I could never finish the second one. (which is kinda scarey sometimes, at my prime, I was able to like down a large pizza and 8 KFC chickens... )
The ones at C3 is really good, but the sad case is, you gotta queue.... but when you do get the food eventually, theres a big payoff waiting for you ! They actually use fresh bananas, I personally saw the lady taking the fresh bananas into the kitchen !
Got home at about 6pm, danged Canon closed at 530.. or not I would have gotten there to collect my eos.. So i decided to give this little bugger a bath ! got him all wet and then applied some nice smelling shampoo to his body. He kinda enjoyed it I think, cause he wasn't really moving or struggling much throughout the entire process!
Anyways, after lunch and talking cock, IBS finally arrived. It was actually quite light and quite pleasant (AS expected), and it even ended like 1 hour ahead of time! Was supposed to do pt today, but because of the rain, I did not go :P I actually found out later that only the organiser and 2 other guys were present.. quite sad lar actually... I mean, as a year 2 student, and being so enthu as to organise an event for the club, and having close to noone attending, it would really be quite discouraging ba.. Im also guessing that not one of the year 3's (myself including) attended the event... I kinda know how it feels, cause I remembered there was actually one time last time when I got a chance to play solo in the band, and my parents did not show up. So like, he is trying his best to organise something for the club, and perhaps even show the seniors something, but noone turns up, it really sux the feeling, but well,there was just too little notice given (the night before via email and sms) and due to the circumstances (heavy rain..). ...
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