BUSY!!! Very busy week indeed.... I would have posted more often/earlier, but my attempts were constantly thwarted by "That something X'tra" ..... meaning project works ...... Guess I can't complain too much, it could have been worse, like I could have many projects AND a suck thumb group... (im referring to one of my NON CORE modules here....) So i can be considered lucky to have a great/ retarded/ energetic//// team for the Integrated projects.
So, summing up my eggciting week !!
The cam which I won on ebay (and which I blew most of my monthly allowance on.... assuming that a certain telco would have paid me earlier....) finally arrived from Germany, after 1year+ of eyeing it !!! Field testing on Kodak B&W begins.
Went to Woodlands Civic Centre/ Woodlands National Library to interview the sales managressss, I managed to charm 2hours of her time from her :P She was very reciprocative to the interview, and even gave me added information. I now know the world of insurance agents a lil more. The SM report, I thought was just crap... well, Im just glad that that is done and over with... 4 weeks more to my freedom from studying for the next 2years+ ... .jpg)
Followed dad to NTUC at bukit timah plaza for our usual (more or less) usual grocery shopping....... and I found this bottle of "Things" :D hahas. I shalt say no more ! One of the many perks to why i enjoy grocery shopping, get to see new releases, people and weird stuff.
I actually visited Gelare TWICE this week.. ok, so maybe I wasn't ENTIRELY busy, just that whenever I thought of blogging, something comes up. The first, on saturday, was with dad. We shared a big ass (or rather small by Kens standards) waffle with 2 scoops of cream. The waitress was laughing at me when I reasoned that I did not want whip cream cause it was fattening, and there I was requesting for a large waffle with 2 scoops of ice cream, adding whip cream or not no longer meant much of a diff hahas... anyway, we shared the guilty platter, so it wasn't that bad in the end..jpg)
Say what you like, buy guys will be guys hahas, and one trait we commonly share is messy eating :D If you(female) don't see that in your guy friend, he is either trying to impress you, OR you guys just arn't close enough for him to reveal his true colours :P [my excuse for being rude to my friends - "we so close liao, still talk what manners, don't need lar"]
My second Gelare waffer in a week, this time was with fren at Ho Lang V, and I got the whole piece to meselves ! Yum yum.
This week was also Napfa week... the most dreaded test I ever took in my life.... dreaded casue of the embarrassment of not being able to meet up to the physical expectations the nation set for me.... I did however beat my 2.4 personal best, becasue I actaully did put in effort this time, so I guess that is what Im most proud of :P .. NVM ! After POP ... after I spend my "THAT SOMETHING X'TRA" time in NS BMT, I swear never again to become unfit ! I will serve my nation with honour and glory ! Anyways, I "celebrated" my failure with syd at JP :P hahas.... [and thanx ar peanut.. encourage me go KFC family feast.. so much for being my fitness instructor ! hahas.]

Was telling JH that day, how every collector has his/her "monster" / ultimate goal (lambo for car collectors, villa for property collectors/ 10carat diamond for jewel collectors/ ghandi's unwashed underpants for history collectors :P etc.) for me, my ULTIMATE [though may not be that ultmiate for some lar..... since they already have it..... buggers...] is the Leica M7 ! This is the camera before the digitized M8, frankly I cannot say if its gonna be the last of Leica's film cameras.. but I guess not. Well, I was contented with the M6 (Jennifer used it in the movie Blood Diamonds !) or the M3 or 4, but JH had to show me this ... hahas. I calculated, at $600 per month OIAP china,if I don't eat or drink anything OR BUY ANYTHING for that matter, for the entire stint at OIAP, I just maybe able to buy it...... so Im guessing thats a no deal... till I get a little older. Well, it doesn't hurt to dream :P After all, the Rollei35 started out as a dream 1 +2 years ago, and now its fulfilled !