Saturday, July 7, 2007


FINALLY ... TGIF is here ... haiz..

The week has kinda been retarded but in a sense "fun". Slept at like after 3am for 4 of the 5 days this week, once of which was at 5am.. hahas. But well, thats just the way it is.

Got back MRSH test too, and I had not flunked as I had expected to..... that was indeed a relief, thnx to SOMEONE who informed me that Lee had said more than half of the population failed.... RIGHT AFTER my recovery from dengue :P hahas. So we were like freaking worried lar, living in anxiety [or atleast I was] for the last 2 weeks +

Managed to get my emo movie done too, and presented it in WISP class, which would have been perfect if not for one small mistake, I used the term UN instead of League of Nations .... and some ass had to make a big hooha out of it .... lucky my info was correct, just the misuse of terminology. On the whole, the presentation went well, of course the punk who refused to do up "its" part in the ppt. presentation tried to BS "its" way through, and ended up getting shot down by the teacher, much to our delight, though I guess that will nonetheless do some small colleteral damage to the team effort. Seeing the teacher shooting down "its" claims as statements one by one and getting "it" confused was nonetheless FOR ME.. a priceless moment :P It was like justice had been done for all the trouble "it" had caused me and the team...

MCOMM was also on its way to completion, infact it was finally completed, thanks to the great efforts of AL,ST and SL, I swear ... without these people, combined with the pressure from the WISP team, there would more or less be no reason for me whatsoever to continue school.... (Uni and ADs would be the reasons tho :P) these guys were really the water for my flames. hahas . I feel kinda guilty, cause my part for the report was flawed, which caused abit of a pileup on our teams schedule :P

And so, without further ado !!! The 4 baskets from TB17 presents to you our printed ad for our product - Organic Beer :P

Special thnx to photoshop CS 2 and SL for the logo, and the other 2 members for your constructive feedbacks (KH for his) and the team also who helped do the other parts of the report while I dalied away on CS2. Apparently, working on those 6 rolls of films did teach me some new CS2 skills which I applied in this case (see peanut, ... it wasn't a waste of time :P hahas)

Gezond btw, is Dutch for healthy [given that asia pacific breweries is a combination of Singaporean and Dutch company, F&N and Heineken, we chose this name. "Healthy" beer just wouldn't cut it, and wouldn't look trendy and match our branding strategies.] <-- BTW, this part I was not smart enough to put in the main report...... we actaully missed out this explanation...

BTW, the WISP emo movie can be seen below. Its about 6mb + so wait for it to load if you wanna catch it :P Was initially banging on the Titanice Never and Absolution song, but it was too short, had to change it to 300's Now we are Free !! WHICH MEANT resyncing all the scenes and also adding in animations and words here and there - but from the teachers facial expression whilst watching it ..... all the time I spent was well worth it!!!

And yes ! MOH:Airborne Team has FINALLY released a release date for Airborne, and what perfect timing too... just after my finals and before OIAP !!!


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