Ok, so its like less than a week before I return home, and I am in a dilemma now. I've got a flight booked at 11.05am on Friday, and so I need a place to stay in either HK or SZ (and like in SZ, a decent hotel costs 800bux, in Hong Kong its like 2.5K ...) so yea, its pretty obvious that if I were to open a hotel room it will be in SZ. Ofcourse, my budget was 100 and below, which isn't really much of a budget at all, so I was walking around the dodgy end of SZ, close to the railway station, over shadowed by 香格理拉.... my mind kept telling me "open in 香格理拉 啦", but my wallet told me "open 香格理拉 LAN". My wallet ofcourse, holds precidence over my body and sadly - my soul.
Anyway, I found one that was like 68RMB, but the toilet was a common toilet and it was pretty ulu too. And to top it up, there were M'sans all over the place, offering me their wears for the night etc. (one even offered me 60bux [肥太婆一个?]). That doesn't really concern me though, infact I wouldn't mind checking it out but not using, just for kicks, like see what's it like, market rates etc. What's concerning, was the security, I sure wouldn't want to get raped or robbed in my sleep.
Therefore, current plan is ->
Frend's frend may possibly let me stay over
OR just R.O.C on one chair in HK airport.
Let's see what happens eh :)
And basket, to top that off, someone vomitted on my coat over the weekend... forcing me to wear my trenchcoat today (which I think may be abit 夸张.. ) But well, that's life I guess...zzzz