The shoot at Great Wall finally arrived !! The trip I had been anticipating since arrival in Beijing a month ago ! We started off at 840am and reached back "home" at about 6. We climbed for 3 to 4 hours in all. And another 3 to 4 hours was taken up on the road to and from Chang Cheng.

BUT first ! EAT. ahahs the first meal of the day - Cheese Burgers and Banana pie which I said I was gonna try before going home :D And incase you think the strawberry milkshake is for me, its not ! h3h3 apparently someone else other then myself likes strawberry milkshake (I detest the ones from Macs tho, tastes like fernleaf milk sh*t :P) [at one time, drinking cartoned and non powdered milk was sort of a luxury for me .... but that was a long time ago]

Actually, the banana pie tastes very much like goreng pisang... surprising the Macs back home do not sell this.. to be honest, I rather dislike banana, especially raw ones, but Im willing to make exceptions (UNLIKE garlic.) - and no, bread is no exception for garlic. I only eat it if its chopped into tiny bits where I can't see or taste muvh of it.

We took a cable car up to the wall. My doubts were confirmed when it was more like a lift than a cable car. Nowonder noone wanted to queue on that side of the ticketing booth :P Atfirst, I was like eh ?! How come got 2 booths but only one booth got queue ar ?? Not like either of the booth is empty or one booth lady more nicer then the other what.. The ticketing lady at the unpatronised booth then called to our ticket buyer (XS) and he jump at the chance of not having to queue.

Haha, fun experience, but I think XS did not really enjoy his ride :P He was apparently a little scared of heights, so I deduced, when he refused to look out of the SHELTERED cable car on our way down from the wall. Im guessing it must have been nasty for the poor chap to have to sit this open air lift. (like the ones you sit at ski resorts)

The wall from inwithin the wall.

"dare deviling" :D

Tried to look for imaginary frames, in this case, the arc entrance frames the watch tower.

Lets just say the trip down was more covered.. And we were also lucky to have sat the specific coach that Bill Clinton took during his visit on June 28th 1998 :P
The many shops that flank both sides of the streets as we approach the foot of the wall.

Over the years, the shop keepers learn simple english from gai jin's- "cheap cheap, looka looke, good price, comm'on I give you good price, higher, you want T Chirt" and one even asked me "T chirt I give you cheap, 1 dollar" I replied in chinese "one yuan?? where got such pricing, too good to be true (I knew ofcourse she meant 1 US dollar, and was confirmed later :P)

The dinner AT 3+pm.....

Same dish as last time, small river prawns, only this time, it costs 4rmb more, was less tasty and was shared amongst 3 people. Proportion etc. can say was similar ba, negligible difference.

What is wrong here ??? Take a guess. For those in the know, you will prolly be saying stuff like "orh hor, poor thing " or thinking it along those lines lar... Just as I was about to dismount the wall I screwed up.. popped the 70-300 into my coat pocket, and forgotten about it. And when I jumped off from one of the pillars I was standing on, I was reminded of the lens in my pocket ... by the sound of glass shattering.... Thank God - and I really do, cause the only glass that shattered on this fateful day was the HOYA 62mm UV filter :P I thank too, whoever put this particulat filter together, or whatever machine for that matter. The lens was completely intact from the knee level (my knee) to brick ground impact ! But now I gotto spend more money on a new filter.... guess its better to spend 1/10th the amount on a new filter than on a new lens :P