China's ban on blog viewing has now extended to livejournal and wordpress blogs... this is so depressing. Its like I am being cut off from the whereabouts and developments of my beloved friends and family members.....
In other news.... I may actually be able to apply for a multi entry visa, WHICH is always a good thing, cause it means "lei ho mo" I can go to Hong Kong !!!! Where ofcourse, things seem to be always brighter on that side of the pearl river delta...
Anyways, I walked into one of the 7-11 and heard this nice canto song just as I was about to walk out. I had like one foot out of the door when the song began to play on the radio, I stepped back in and began to listen to the piece while acting like I had forgotten to buy some bread... hahas. Searched it the moment I arrived in the office this morning and I found it ! As I began to know 惠州 more and more, it seems that PERHAPS, this city may actually have lots more to offer then I may have thought before. If this place is going to be my home for the next 5months, then when in 惠州,do what 惠州ian's do ! (though my trip to 人人乐plaza last night was a CRUSHING disappointment... instead of a plaza, I found myself in a super market......)
In other news.... I may actually be able to apply for a multi entry visa, WHICH is always a good thing, cause it means "lei ho mo" I can go to Hong Kong !!!! Where ofcourse, things seem to be always brighter on that side of the pearl river delta...
This was my dinner ! I'm so happy that I found 饺子 or 水饺。Very close to where I live ! I swear I could eat like hundreds of these within a week. And they costs like 1sing buck for 16pieces.... unlike the usual 2 or 3 for like 4 or 5 miserable pieces in the coffeeshops on our sunny island...
Anyways, I walked into one of the 7-11 and heard this nice canto song just as I was about to walk out. I had like one foot out of the door when the song began to play on the radio, I stepped back in and began to listen to the piece while acting like I had forgotten to buy some bread... hahas. Searched it the moment I arrived in the office this morning and I found it ! As I began to know 惠州 more and more, it seems that PERHAPS, this city may actually have lots more to offer then I may have thought before. If this place is going to be my home for the next 5months, then when in 惠州,do what 惠州ian's do ! (though my trip to 人人乐plaza last night was a CRUSHING disappointment... instead of a plaza, I found myself in a super market......)
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