Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The only thing "bad" about HK I guess, is that the peak hour is a clusterF* at the MTR (but sometimes, I lIkE :D)

Hong Kong was SUPERB! In fact, superb would have to be an understatement. In a sense, I now understand why ed has always had nice things to say about HK whenever it comes into conversation, how the eyes would “sparkle” and the tone of the voice excite. I have always no doubt that HK was a great place to be in, but my feelings were never concrete, given that my REAL encounter with HK (other than the family holiday) was just 2 days and a night (by myself) at a -SEX- apartment (not a brothel….. I’m just referring to crabs’ dads’ apartment) If I was single rich and young, I’d put up in a place like that, but well… I probably wouldn’t, I’m more of a family person (awwwww). There really is nothing more fulfilling than traveling by yourself OR with a loved one. I belief anyone who has done that will agree.

Anyways, I stayed at the same place again, but this time with zh and his colleague. The food I tell you is just de-fukin’-licious! We had like Outback steak house on our first night, and then it was ofcourse the 3 roast dishes with dumpling soup on the second.

Each hearty slice carefully roasted over charcoal fire and marinated with sauce :P
And the shopping… OMG... the shopping…. (and I do not really bother to shop, but when I was in HK … I actually enjoyed staying in freaking Zara or the ESpirit outlet for like 20-30mins… And oh man…. the girls…. What can I say, they really do doll themselves up. Ofcourse, there’s also the GREEN polka dotted donut shop, which adds to the fun joy and laughter. So that’s HK for me….

Egg and Milk dan dan (pudding). Not bad at all. Haven't seen this in SPore, though I believe chinatown confirm will have.

Aside from Timesquare at Causewaybay, I went to places like Mong Kok (lue yan kah) and Temple street. Saw an AK47 that costs a tad over 20sing, and lots of dildo's :P apart from other stuffs like pirated clothes and copy of original branded bags ofcourse.

This IS the real deal, the one I saw changed the "automatic" to "chronograph". Also, the numbers on the small faces were rearranged.

Woke up at freaking 630am today to get to the train station, and made my way to the KCR East line WHICH was conveniently located far away…. So I lugged my bigass 24kg luggage bag with my IBS sling bag WHICH had my freaking 1+ to2kg laptop AND to top it up, I had my red bag pack which held the Nikon and Canon… another 2Kgs I presume…. I reached Shang Shui (up water) station like freaking 40mins ahead of plan, so I had to sit at the platform and wait for jo. 04S12’s “Ah Bian” actually came into mind as I watched the trains pass by. In a million years I never thought I would actually think of her, this is a weird place to do it…. So much so I actually did not realize the FARKING stinkin’ crap bag that had plunged HIS ass next to mine on the platform chair…. Till abit later....

Met up with jo, and we headed straight to the office before even seeing the apartments. He laid it out CRYSTAL clear for me. “Your failure will affect us” etc etc etc. I really want to excel in this OIAP, and hope that I will actually leave a good impression upon them. The language barrier though, is abit of a “problem” for me. I mean, talking to them is not a problem, cause they understand English, so when I am not sure of a term, I just sub in English. The problem comes when the instructions they give me is in Chinese…. And the systems are all in chinese. I guess we’ll just have to see.

After work, they like brought me/ us. To this freaking nice restaurant to eat, I guess sort of as a welcome back dinner? The food was great, there was like this freaking big plate of fried prawns….. and the mood also lightened up. I was afraid that I had like left jo a bad impression of some kind from like 3 sems ago or cause I “insisted” that someone (who would inevitably be him) come pick me up from HK. Anyway, the outside was raining like crap when we went home…. Took the cab to the outside of the apartments, which we in the end had to race WHICH has the added bonus of dragging 30kgs worth of gear IN THE HEAVY flood/rain. Lucky the laundry service is daily… can get all the rain soaked cloths and socks washed up nice and clean. The apartment I can say is …. Home Sweet Home –really-. The water heater still uses life fire and gas, the toiled flush is still a plastic pipe connected to the basin, and the fridge is still filled with COKE and mon milk ! I think I may bloody well have a nice time here. Will be checking the store next door to see if they still sell the G36k and XM airsofties :P

Anyway, this is where I'll be in for the next 6months. Its not much, but I guess it will do... on a more gay note, hope all the pictures and memories of all of you will last me through many lonely nights. It’s a good thing I met up with all of yall before I left…..


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