Ah, so I visited Tang Quan over the weekends with my colleague. Tang Quan is basically a place that is made up of several mountains, hills, valleys and hot spring. The last time I went in, I did not know WHERE the **** to go, so I went back home. This time, I decided that I was gonna climb one of em mountains NOT matter WHAT! (sort of like the Allies, who were crossing the Rhine "Operation Market Garden was a disaster, but this time, bridge or no bridge, we would be going to Germany").
Ok, so at the entrance.... I know, I look like I'm "damn" interested hahas... but I really am :P
YEa... I got a colleague who has this urge to take "sneak" photos of me... (remember the box and office moving post ... hahas)
On the way up, we saw this FAT FUCK. It was freaking like the size of your thumb....really wanted to squish it and see all its guts and gunk spill out hehehe. But the better side of me prevailed.

er.. what more can I say about the chinese... life is cheap here..... yea..

On the way to the top! Many views of this, looks good for rafting? hehe
And there we go! On the top! where there was a water pumping station... lol..
This night was better, we ate at this taiwanese place which sold SEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX desserts! My god, the Taro Milk Ice was - TO LIVE for..... oh I ate this for a change, somewhat what dad ate at XiaMen last time.
A little night "treat" for ourself just before the sexxxxxxxx dessert, we shared a plate of beef hor fun (which was god awful oily) but very tastey nonetheless (we had not eaten any lunch on the mountain. We also ate steamboat! This time, 2 others had joined in.

On the way up, we took a wrong road... looks like in the middle of nowhere eh hahas. This road led to someone's house with like 4 vicious dogs which kept barking at us. (those buggers dunno what their up against eh... duns they know humans eat dog meat in this land!) The owners came out, but the lead black dog was guai lan enuf to follow us as we walked off.

Nice lake (wonder if the water is drinkable... ofcourse not though, but tempting, can see fish inside?) I actually made it across by stepping of the trail of rocks hehe.
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