OK! So another weekend has gone by... ... and where was I ? I was in the middle of NOWHERE. hahas. Like 30+min bus ride from HuiZhou central landed me in this place called 汤泉. Supposedly a great place for mountain climbing and hot springs? I could see that from the sign boards as well, which were not really useful actually..... I like walked in about maybe 5 clicks and I still could not see shit, hahas, so i decided to cut my losses and hightail back to the supermarket, do groceries and go home. Perhaps, this place was not meant for loners. Which was obvious, given the sad and stark contrast between myself ALONE (because that is my life, and that is what I do) versus the many couples or families I saw along the way... and like may of them took a cab in or a taxi :P

I did however, catch a nice glimpse of this waterfall, somewhere in the middle of nowhere on the mountains. It does hold promise for when I visit this place again, hopefully with more people in future.
AND YES! Today, payday has FINALLY arrived.. I can't wait to see the first glimpse of the many zeros behind a nice number in my bank account :P I'll scrap the F5 plan for now, given that it is so hard to earn... and so easy to spend... Been tossing and turning in bed again, why does this happen to me on every sunday night... its a curse I tell ya!
The song "somewhere out there" and "on the same side of the moon" played again on my ipod (which is a god send... thnx jie!). It inspired me to jott down the following phrase.
Even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.
We maybe miles apart, but it comforts me to know that when I stare out of that window tonight, we will be gazing upon the same side of the moon.
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