OK, pay day is coming soon, and because I did not get my previous months pay, I have a good feeling that I'm getting double. Which, lets just say is enough to get me a nifty mid to low range DSLR. But then there is something wrong with me, I seem stuck on the concept of the film based SLR, and more recently, I eyes have shifted from Canon's EOS-1v to the more affordable Nikon F5. But yea.. thats just a wish for now..., cause I don't really want to blow 2 months worth of work on anohter camera...

Hmm.. treat me like your lapdog say... ask me go do this, go do that. Go collect this for me, go pass this to this person for me. Go WASH your FUCKING fruit for you.. stuff spoil - NO problem TECHNICIAN ken ken is here...well, im the handy fockin' man after all ain't I huh. Jack of all fockin' traits - WELL FUCK you AND UP YOURS! GO stick a fucking sock in it... you're lucky the school FUCKING in on it, if you pulled this stunt on my last trip here i'de have FUCKED you up you godless mother piece of SHIT. Why duns you ask me clean your shit off for you which has been stuck so far up ur arse you ca't feel it no more, or how about wiping that filthy hole of a mouth of yours huh? how about that! Save me from this place....
Ah and its finally a Thursday again, which means 2 more days till the weekend. And I realised that I don't get paid monthly till like on the 15th of the next month, so it was alright I guess, and in essence, I was never paid late. But hey, I'm here for the exp. points, not the $ :) Money is just a small form of motivation and means to help me with my living expenses for now.
Hmm, apricot and peach mix roll! Sorta like Uncle Toby's Roll ups eh. Boss gave this to us upon his return from his NDay vacations. I'de like to be where he has been some day... It is after all one of the countries I want to go to before I die (india, US and Europe [not britain] included).
Ok, I don't really know the story behind this one, but some faggot decided to take it out on the dust bin>? and right outside the canteen too... like thanks.. its not as if the canteen doesn't smell bad enuf already.

And this is the food I have to put up with DAILY... but its free, so hey, no complaints there... but when even china people start complaining, you know somethings not going well....
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