Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Been another longass time since I last posted... ... anyways, I have been at drivers course for the last 2 months. Chiong through the entire thing, everything on attempt one and got the "virgin" PDL (which basically is the PDL with no red marks denotting a failure), but in the end I will change it for a qualified licence... actually was supposed to do it yesterday, but I was "down with DIARRHOEA".

KC and I both used the same excuse at the same clinic, but he got his arse prodded not me :P lol... KC is a dude from the drivers course, just sux to know that our friendship "ends" after next or next next week when we complete the course, guess we will meet up together with CF and Myanmar again. Seeing that they are all stay in personnel, I feel really fortunate to have been posted to TNB as a stay out.

Nana's BF got posted into my unit, which I guess is SOMETHING worth looking forward to, in a sense that it will be quite interesting, given the COD's affiliation with him.

Oh and I adopted a cat last saturday, he will be known as Tiger, his previous owner called him Copperfield cause of his ability to "disappear" whenever people appeared. But to me, his stripes warrant him that name. Besides, it was also a suggestion by my parents.

Erm. then theres the cookie monster I've been seeing like 2 or 3 times a week who takes the same bus from Mandai to CCK and the same train to JE and then towards Joo Koon, can't deny that she has helped me through rough days when Boomer KK nags at me. (its amazing what an amazing lady, even a complete stranger can do to a man ... ) the wierdass but yet farmiliar meltsy effect on me heart when she smiled at me on the bus that day just before she alighted .. etc. etc. Im beginning to think too far... ok anyways, just sad I din get to see that hoe for a last time today cause I was dissmissed in the afternoon when shes still at work :( tomorrow I continue me course at sembawang.... which leaves her as a figment of my memories now ... perhaps things would have turned out different in another life time. (but then again, vice versa, she may not have existed in another lifetime... bla bla bla ill spare the philosophical psycobabelbullshit).

Ok ! So lifes alright I guess... just goto take anohter 500mins of Lee KK's bullshit then I'm out. like what they all said. Just tahan and fuck off after the course. Im just glad he wasn't my perm trainer for the main bulk of the course or I may have just drove the MAN Truck/ 3 ton or rover off the fucking cliffs of Kaki Bukit ....


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